More on public school bureaucrat duplicity
We posted earlier on how edu-crats here in Moore County have a yearly ritual of LYING their posteriors off to the public about their financial position. *Oh, the babies are
Continue readingWe posted earlier on how edu-crats here in Moore County have a yearly ritual of LYING their posteriors off to the public about their financial position. *Oh, the babies are
Continue readingYep. State House Republicans are following the lead of Al Gore and Bill Clinton and pushing for broadband internet service in rural areas — paid for by YOU and ME. Reps.
Continue readingIn Moore County, as I am sure it is in your county, THIS story is getting way too old: With Moore County Schools’ dire budgetary straits and ever-stricter state mandates
Continue readingMy that tough talk against “government waste” fades away fast once the polls close, doesn’t it? Once again, the, um, “honorables” in DC shirked their constitutional duty to PASS
Continue readingOnce again, Congress has kicked their budgeting and fiscal management duties down the road. The House passed another continuing resolution — keeping the government funded fully through December
Continue readingOnce again, heads will be exploding over in Blinky and Scowly’s offices in Jim Goodmon’s special little socialist fantasy world. Blinky and Scowly are ALL over the place trying to
Continue readingAs the election season gears up, the phony statistics and the excrement are really going to be flying. We decided to head some of that off by injecting some interesting,
Continue readingWell, the honorables on Jones Street have killed A LOT of trees to try and explain their spending plan for 2016-2017. Republicans will tout it as fiscal responsibility, while Democrats
Continue readingContrary to the prurient desires of The Gay News & Observer, HB2 is not being seen as the big fight in the GOP-dominated General Assembly during this short session. John
Continue readingThere is an eye-opening report out from the highly-respected, free market-oriented Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Apparently, something may be rotten in Princess Janet’s kingdom: […] Real state spending per
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