Laying the foundation for a November blame game
By all indications, Republicans should have a good November. But we also thought that about November 2012. Remember everyone saying there was no way in hell that Barry Obama would
Continue readingBy all indications, Republicans should have a good November. But we also thought that about November 2012. Remember everyone saying there was no way in hell that Barry Obama would
Continue readingNope, I am not talking about places in the vicinity of Rock Hill or Dillon. I’m talking about the stampede of unaccompanied children across our border with Mexico. Obama and
Continue readingPACs associated with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) spent big to get Richard Hudson through the 2012 GOP primary and general elections. (Cantor, as you know, got upended last week
Continue readingHouse Majority leader Eric Cantor spent years running around the country meddling in other people’s primaries. He cheerleaded for more spending and more debt, poo-pooed the repeal of ObamaCare, and promoted amnesty
Continue readingThe seismometers were going wild around Richmond, Virginia tonight. A political earthquake appears to have catapulted the House Majority Leader into those very crowded unemployment lines: In a stunning upset,
Continue readingEver wonder why so few elected officials question the actions of their party leaders or the actions of their respective chambers? Ever wonder why politicians spend SO MUCH time fundraising?
Continue readingIf you didn’t get enough excitement from last night’s extravaganza in Davidson, flip on over to Raleigh’s WRAL TV tonight for Round 2. Mark Harris really fumbled a great opportunity
Continue readingUS House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)’s primary opponent is calling for an investigation of the Virginia GOP’s new executive director. Why? Apparently, the new ED’s consulting firm is on
Continue readingYep. ‘Fraid so. Renee Ellmers, Robert Pittenger, et. al., have told us ad nauseum about their 20-plus votes to defund ObamaCare. But it appears some recent hijinks by Speaker Boehner
Continue readingAll of us have heard the spin plenty of times from our “favorite” GOP member of the US House. Republicans have voted 30 — no, 40 — make that, 50
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