Amnesty: It’s here. Time is running out to save our country.
Erick Erickson over at RedState agrees with us. The Ruling Class is working together in DC to screw over the rest of us: In 2011, Barack Obama said he did
Continue readingErick Erickson over at RedState agrees with us. The Ruling Class is working together in DC to screw over the rest of us: In 2011, Barack Obama said he did
Continue reading(*sigh of exasperation*) The recently completed elections made it crystal clear how the American people feel about Barry Obama legalizing amnesty via executive order. For some reason, we have this
Continue readingWe’ve learned that there just might be a crony capitalism angle in the amnesty fight for at least one powerful House Republican. We’ve also heard about a letter, circulated by
Continue readingMitch McConnell and John Boehner are falling all over themselves to disarm their respective caucuses before the new session even starts. Republicans were awarded majorities in both chambers on Capitol
Continue readingI don’t know what we have to do to hammer the message home to these Republicans. We’ve given them complete control of the legislative branch. We made it clear that
Continue readingNCFire — an anti-amnesty activist group — uncovered evidence suggesting that up to 10,000 illegal aliens had North Carolina driver licenses and were registered to vote. NCFire reportedly
Continue readingCongresswoman Renee Ellmers was in one of her favorite places — Raleigh — to talk about how jonesed she is about the fight against ObamaCare. It’s as though 2013 NEVER HAPPENED.
Continue readingDC had Republican Senate candidates talking about making birth control pills available over-the-counter. Now, DC has got candidates talking about ISIS. George Holding is running ads about ISIS. Thom Tillis
Continue readingRenee Ellmers must have been itching for some more coverage on this site. It’s been a while since she graced our home page. Miss Harnett County has apparently introduced a
Continue readingWe posted earlier about the secretive effort by the feds to dump all of those border-crashing kids from South America in various US states — without bothering to inform the
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