#ncsen 2016: The doctor is IN !
I’ll have to admit we were caught off guard around here. But Twitter lit up over the news this morning: The last we heard from this guy — he was
Continue readingI’ll have to admit we were caught off guard around here. But Twitter lit up over the news this morning: The last we heard from this guy — he was
Continue readingHear it in their own words: […] The Democrats’ victory, and Republican Ryan’s defeat, was garishly displayed when his omnibus got more Democratic votes in the House and in the
Continue readingBig Government Barbie™ signed on the dotted line yesterday to seek two more years in Congress. Renee Ellmers, the one person who has better survival skills / luck than The RoadRunner, also
Continue readingThe travesty that got started in the House has been completed in the Republican Senate. By a vote of 65-33, a $1.1 TRILLION spending orgy has passed and is headed
Continue readingIt’s $1.1 trillion dollars. It’s 2009 pages. It was written by FOUR lawmakers and a bunch of lobbyists. Politicians like Renee Ellmers want to sell it as a great
Continue readingThat’s how participants described a rather unusual conference call held Thursday among some House Republicans. The meeting was moderated — some would argue dictated and dominated — by beleaguered House
Continue readingSpeaker Tim Moore’s *faaaaaaaaaavorite* TV reporter is at it again: State Representative David Lewis (R-Harnett), who chairs the powerful House Rules Committee, is answering new questions about changes made to a
Continue readingDon’t you just love it when politicians who know NOTHING about a subject try to lecture people who DO KNOW something about a subject? Law enforcement and military folks get
Continue readingIt looks like Tricky Dick’s taxpayer-funded mouthpiece-ette really stepped in it: Last night, Becca Glover Watkins, communications director for Chairman Richard Burr of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, engaged
Continue readingHoly cow. I am starting to believe Dallas Woodhouse and Curtis Watkins may be taking political strategy advice from the same person. (Yet, Watkins had the decency to step down.
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