#ncpol: Hiding the Trump signs? (SHENANIGANS!)
Christine Gates, a respected Tea Party leader from western North Carolina is calling SHENANIGANS on the folks at NCGOP HQ: What is going on in North Carolina?? It’s no accident.
Continue readingChristine Gates, a respected Tea Party leader from western North Carolina is calling SHENANIGANS on the folks at NCGOP HQ: What is going on in North Carolina?? It’s no accident.
Continue readingDuring my time in the driveby media and while doing this blogging thing, I have developed relationships with several — some big, some not-so — political campaign consulting professionals. More
Continue readingTHAT looks like what Barry Obama is trying to do here in the waning days of his regime. But four attorneys general — ours, who doesn’t do a damn thing,
Continue readingI keep getting hit with e-mails offering bargain basement deals for subscriptions to The Raleigh News & Observer. The number of people I know who actually admit to reading the
Continue readingYep. You read that right. *Stability.* That’s code for keeping things AS-IS for the clique running the place. I looked into this crowd, and they are for real. For the most
Continue readingOnce again, Congress has kicked their budgeting and fiscal management duties down the road. The House passed another continuing resolution — keeping the government funded fully through December
Continue readingThis one is of 694 voters across North Carolina. It was conducted on Sept. 23 and has a margin of error of +-3.7 percent. Here we go: Obama approval: This
Continue readingOur state’s drive by media continues to be obsessed with all things transgendered and urinary. Yessirree. HB2 managed to poke itself into the candidates debate for state treasurer last night.
Continue readingTHAT is what went down at the debate the other night. Hills came to the defense of Miss Venezuela, of all people, and the likes of CNN joined her: Former
Continue readingThe other shoe has dropped. A Cabarrus County senator has a federal indictment to go along with his state indictment on campaign finance violations. If you recall, Hartsell had reported
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