For Senate GOP, surrender IS apparently an option
We’ve been hearing all about “a grand compromise” in the US Senate over filibusters and votes over Obama administration nominees. Let’s review the details of the “compromise”: Harry
Continue readingWe’ve been hearing all about “a grand compromise” in the US Senate over filibusters and votes over Obama administration nominees. Let’s review the details of the “compromise”: Harry
Continue readingMcClatchy’s John Frank is doing his best to play arbiter and peacemaker among Raleigh Republicans. And we thank him for it. He’s got a piece out about internal bickering among
Continue readingViewers in my neck of the woods are getting peppered with TV ads telling us HOW GREAT Kay Hagan is doing in DC. They are apparently being produced
Continue readingI saw a commercial on TV the other morning that nearly made me spew my Cheerios. Some vaguely-named council or coalition was running an ad praising US
Continue readingMcClatchy is bending over backwards to promote Senator Kay Hagan for her praise of Big Barry’s decision to delay the implementation of a portion of ObamaCare: […]In
Continue readingA LOT of my Tea Party friends from the Charlotte area are just cooing over the potential US Senate candidacy of Baptist pastor Mark Harris. (I dont know much about
Continue readingCollege students all over our state and country went nuts for Kay Hagan and Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. They voted for these two libs
Continue readingThis week, The US Supreme Court told Congress and the federal bureaucracy that it can finally stop punishing the South for The Civil War and The Jim
Continue readingBig Barry gave a speech today laying out his plans to harpoon that lefty white whale known as climate change: The core problem with President
Continue readingA poll by the left-wing Public Policy Polling firm of Durham suggests that a grassroots, Tea Party-backed amateur candidate and the president pro tem of the State Senate would perform
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