I want my sports BACK!
I swear. These leftists will politicize ANYTHING. Gone are the days where you had Michael Jordan abstaining from politics because “Republicans buy tennis shoes too.” It’s not enough that Roy
Continue readingI swear. These leftists will politicize ANYTHING. Gone are the days where you had Michael Jordan abstaining from politics because “Republicans buy tennis shoes too.” It’s not enough that Roy
Continue readingIf you’ve been paying attention, you’re aware that WRAL-Goodmon-mafia goons Chris Fitzsimon and Rob Schofield launched a vicious smear on Civitas and The Carolina Plott Hound web site. The alleged
Continue readingRiots are *special* times, eh? It is just galling that the driveby media and their radical leftist accomplices seem to view rioting as a perfectly acceptable form of expressing oneself. THAT
Continue readingCaving in to the hysterical demands of North Carolina politics’ very own Bert & Ernie is akin to admitting to the world that celebrity aerobics guru Richard Simmons kicked your
Continue readingYou can’t get away from it. He’s on WRAL TV and radio bashing “the rich.” Talking about how selfish “they” are and how MORE of “their” money needs to be
Continue readingFirst they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak
Continue readingThe SAME GUY who followed John Edwards around for a whole year — and never noticed the bottle-blonde with the video camera and the baby bump — can’t understand for
Continue readingAmericans For Limited Government, some friends of this site, are hosting a rally in Pennsylvania today calling out some local Republicans for failing to properly aid the Make American Great
Continue readingIt appears the leftist lynch mob has misfired in Moore County. The auditorium at Pinecrest High School in Southern Pines is named “Robert E. Lee Auditorium.” I saw that, shortly
Continue readingBehind all of the frothing-at-the-mouth race-baiters and whimpering snowflakes the drivebys are peppering us with, there is ACTUALLY some truth: A new poll from PBS has found the majority of
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