See June Spin. Spin, June, Spin.
Well, it appears that public education is back in the news. The North Carolina Bankers Association — of all groups — has endorsed the Common Core curriculum for the state’s
Continue readingWell, it appears that public education is back in the news. The North Carolina Bankers Association — of all groups — has endorsed the Common Core curriculum for the state’s
Continue readingThe dean of the North Carolina congressional delegation is calling it quits. Greensboro’s Howard Coble — an 82 year old moderate who rose to prominence in Raleigh in the
Continue readingFasten your seatbelts, folks. Our state House speaker, Thom Tillis, and the Tea Party’s arch-nemesis, Karl Rove, are embarking on a three-day fundraising marathon to capture a second
Continue readingChris Fitzsimon, Bill Barber and the gang want us to believe that the GOP majority in Raleigh has cut state government to the bone. Thom Tillis — the
Continue readingLeftists want you to believe that the results show America loves Barry Obama. The media wants you to believe The Tea Party was soundly rejected. What was the real takeaway
Continue readingCharlotte pastor – and GOP US Senate candidate — Mark Harris is closely associated with the state constitutional amendment passed in May 2012 defining marriage as between a
Continue readingFootball is getting quite a few headlines lately. The mainstream media is aghast at the idea that people can – *gasp* – get seriously hurt playing this game. Guys who
Continue readingFacts can be such troublesome things. The mainstream media has been gushing over the “courage” shown by Senator Kay Hagan — affectionately know in many quarters as Chuck Schumer’s Sock
Continue readingSenator Kay Hagan (D-NC) — affectionately referred to in many parts as Chuck Schumers’ sock puppet — is in complete agreement with one Mr.P- Diddy: It’s ALL about the Benjamins.
Continue readingI’ve heard some grumbling from folks about Senator Richard Burr’s steadfast support for congressman Mel Watt in his efforts to become Barry Obama’s new director of the Federal Housing Finance
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