“Due Process is What’s Killing Us Right Now.”
Yes. Those words came out of the mouth of a sitting US senator: During the June 16 airing of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, gun control Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) let his
Continue readingYes. Those words came out of the mouth of a sitting US senator: During the June 16 airing of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, gun control Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) let his
Continue readingBusiness news ain’t what it used to be. One would think it would be all about the intricacies of the free market. Yet, more and more, SJW crap is displacing
Continue readingThe magic 8-ball tells me: ‘It appears so.’ While Speaker Tim Moore was putting on the fundraising hard-sell, he also happened to brief his caucus on an alleged poll that
Continue readingDavid Lewis was the only House Republican to vote FOR ObamaCare. Charles Jeter is the most liberal member of the House GOP Caucus. (At least one Democrat ranks as more
Continue readingWRAL’s top political correspondent makes no bones about her opinion of human baby parts broker and distributor Planned Parenthood: Okay. Now, let’s check out this reporting from NCCapitol, which is
Continue readingwe’ve already established she doesn’t like Bernie Sanders. What about Donald Trump?: And how about Hillary Clinton’s chief antagonist on Benghazi — Trey Gowdy?
Continue readingIt’s always *refreshing* to see an alleged hard-news driveby taking stands on the very issues she covers. Here’s Miss Leslie venting about ‘Crazy Bernie’ Sanders and his efforts in North
Continue readingI really don’t want to look like I am piling on. Kicking someone when they are down. (*Really.*) This site helped make WRAL’s Laura Leslie famous on a national scale.
Continue readingRush Limbaugh likes to joke about driveby headlines such as this: ‘SUV crashes into building, kills two.’ Really? Was this a “Knight Rider” or ‘Herbie the Love Bug” type thing?
Continue readingHere we are in the midst of campaign season. All kinds of bovine manure is being flung about. We thought we’d introduce a few FACTS about the current state of
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