#ncga: A little Susi and Trish time on Twitter
We’re on Twitter here. You can waste a lot of time there if you’re not careful. There are all kinds of people — from all political stripes and varying levels
Continue readingWe’re on Twitter here. You can waste a lot of time there if you’re not careful. There are all kinds of people — from all political stripes and varying levels
Continue readingIt took two-and-a-half years, but state Senator Fletcher Hartsell’s (RINO-Cabarrus) campaign finance / ethics case is going to get some attention from an actual bona fide prosecutor: More than $600
Continue readingThe newly-minted chairman of the NCGOP took to the airwaves this morning on Greenville-based WTIB’s “Talk of the Town.” Guest host Doug Raymond spent about 20 minutes picking the brain
Continue readingDingbat disease is spreading from the Second Congressional District over to the Seventh. We wrote earlier about Renee Ellmers’s mind-blowing defense of TPA and TPP. It appears David Rouzer
Continue readingIt’s always fun to listen to Renee Ellmers talk about stuff you KNOW she doesn’t understand. We had the TPP and TPA earlier. Now, she’s getting into the heady stuff
Continue readingHere we have a recent radio interview with our, um, “Republican” governor explaining how we need to pay more in gas tax and get to like paying tolls if we
Continue readingBoy things are getting curiouser and curiouser. (And the moles sure are working hard, aren’t they?) We posted earlier about State Rep. Charles Jeter’s campaign and a lobbying / consulting
Continue readingHoward Stern had a great gag with one of his sidekicks — a guy named Stuttering John. John, armed with a camera, would approach some celebrity and ask a really
Continue readingWe wrote something about these guys earlier: If you browse to one of the two web sites out there for Rosebay Development Partners (Here or Here), you can find information
Continue readingWell, things are beginning to look a little better. Dr. Bob Grimesey is back in the superintendent’s office. Four of the five troublemakers / coup plotters have resigned from the
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