Tillis fanboy surfaces as a leading contender for NCGOP ED
We’ve been throwing out names of potential executive director candidates that have made their way back to us. One more needs to be added to the list: NC DPI
Continue readingWe’ve been throwing out names of potential executive director candidates that have made their way back to us. One more needs to be added to the list: NC DPI
Continue readingDoes everybody remember when Senator ‘Pickle’ declared war on Dare County’s top prosecutor for daring to pursue criminal charges against the senator’s top legislative and campaign aide? (We do.)
Continue readingHow trés disappointing: “A record of achieving results” ???? Hitler had one of those TOO. (They weren’t very positive or uplifting results, but he got results.)
Continue readingNorth Carolina’s newest political party – The Constitution Party – has made some significant inroads, but it still has its work cut out for it if it wants to
Continue readingI was examining the agenda for Monday night’s Moore County Board of Education meeting (3PM work session, 5pm closed session, 6 PM open session) when I came across something
Continue readingIt’s like a broken record. Every year, Moore county public school officials and their puppets on the school board go to the media , and before the county board
Continue readingHere the honorables are again, taking care of each other’s business. And, oh look, Moore County’s own Jamie Boles is right in the middle of it: State funeral
Continue readingThe GOP runoff primary election for the Third Congressional District will be complete on July 9.
Continue readingJoan Perry enjoys lamenting –to anyone who will listen — that “Washington insiders” are out to get her. Funny thing is — according to Federal Election Commission records, DC-based
Continue readingNames of potential replacements for Dallas are starting to leak out of Hillsborough Street. (Trial balloons, perhaps?) Anyway, here is what we have: Jim Burton. We’ve
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