From the mouths of lawyers ….
Here’s your recently departed state elections board counsel: He could almost be talking about that recently completed charlie foxtrot in Concord.
Continue readingHere’s your recently departed state elections board counsel: He could almost be talking about that recently completed charlie foxtrot in Concord.
Continue readingI don’t quite know HOW we missed this one about Dallas’s predecessor when it broke. (Of course, we’ve been a wee bit busy lately): Todd Poole, a
Continue readingIt had all the chaos of the Venezuelan economy (and every bit of the integrity of that country’s elections). But — once again — the crowd that gave us
Continue readingOnce again, somnambulant Jim Morrill has the story wrong: *Doesn’t want to be a distraction. How freakin’ thoughtful.* Also, he’s not Ex. He’s STILL the chairman.
Continue readingToday marks the two month anniversary of NCGOP chairman Robin Hayes being dragged kicking, screaming and crying in front of a federal judge and slapped with FIVE – count
Continue readingWe’ve been getting reports from delegates to the upcoming NCGOP convention about unsolicited texts and phone calls from people seeking to know who they plan to vote for in
Continue readingI swear these people remind me of the monkeys in this scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The drive-by media has come across a YouTube page featuring
Continue readingThe conglomerate that owns most of the major drive-by newspapers in this state has a small band of smarmy teeny-boppers who so enjoy what they call “fact-checking” — catching
Continue readingLaura Leslie –– who should be unemployed due to the foul social media screeds she posted against conservatives and Christians a few years back — is miffed. House leadership
Continue readingYou post an innocuous piece of pro-Trump propaganda and get blasted with 345 (and counting) nasty comments. A handful of them appear to be liberals. But quite a few
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