*”Testing, testing,1,2,3 — Racism. Cruelty. Racism. Is this on?”*
You can’t take your kids with you when you go to jail. You can’t take your kids with you to your job (in MOST cases). You can’t take your kids
Continue readingYou can’t take your kids with you when you go to jail. You can’t take your kids with you to your job (in MOST cases). You can’t take your kids
Continue readingArmy captain at Fort Bragg reunites with his husband, who was detained by ICE — actual driveby media headline ———————- One can only imagine what George S. Patton would
Continue readingMealy-mouthedness by politicians is, unfortunately, the rule instead of the exception. But it is sooooooooo delicious when you manage to catch said conduct on videotape. Take for instance, this video
Continue readingPelosi and Schumer are doing back-flips celebrating the massive spending that just made its way through the “Republican” Congress. The Chamber and the GOPe are dancing a jig because, once
Continue readingThey raised Cain-itos outside Chuck Schumer’s house. Now, they’re doing it in Thom’s DC digs. What gives? Why are these people harrassing their amigos? Could they just be in the
Continue readingLet’s travel back in time to our junior senator’s April visit to Tucker Carlson’s show: Our junior US senator was Tucker Carlson’s victim Monday night. And the Fox host sat there
Continue readingThe pro-DACA, pro-amnesty crowd wants to fill us up with sob stories about immigrants wanting to come to America, start a business, raise and live ‘The Dream.” Well, check out
Continue readingThom Tillis loooooves to talk about crossing the aisle to work with Democrats, but it appears he’s found an instance where they don’t want to work with him: […] Sen.
Continue readingInquring minds want to know, since he let loose with this ass-hattery on the unwatchable MSNBC: Saturday, Rev. William Barber, pastor at Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, NC, claimed the
Continue readingIf only WE had pooled our money and tossed him ONE MORE DOLLAR than the Chamber and the Farm Bureau did: Establishment GOP Senators are trying to assemble a cheap-labor amnesty
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