Grooming kids @ UNC Health Care?
There is quite a political backlash about the pediatric tranny stuff reportedly going on at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Tennessee. Unfortunately, we may have something quite similar going on
Continue readingThere is quite a political backlash about the pediatric tranny stuff reportedly going on at Vanderbilt University Hospital in Tennessee. Unfortunately, we may have something quite similar going on
Continue readingThe NCGOP had such a fantastic opportunity handed to it in 2010 and 2012. The complete takeover of state government by Republicans could allow for more conservative and grassroots
Continue readingThe Salt & Light Conference — arguably the most prominent gathering in The Caroilinas for religious conservatives — takes place this Friday and Saturday in Charlotte. There is a
Continue readingA Moore County Superior Court judge is currently mulling over whether to dismiss an Open Meetings violation lawsuit against The Village of Pinehurst. He’s had the information for about
Continue readingRepublican candidates from sea-to-shining-sea are being badgered by the trolls in the drive-by media to “accept the election results.” *Will you accept the final numbers? Yes? No? Why not?
Continue readingSuggest cutting down a pine tree in Pinehurst, and you’d think you proposed euthanizing grandma. Building projects get delayed or killed outright by bureaucrats and politicians and loud, obnoxious
Continue readingThe US Supreme Court — the same one that finally threw out the nonsensical Roe decision — has ruled that a religious private school HAS to ignore its own
Continue readingThat’s a question being asked all over North Carolina lately. A pattern is emerging with our lieutenant governor and his staff. A grassroots group will invite Mark Robinson to
Continue readingIt’s incredibly, um — *brave* to attack someone long-distance. Or to hide behind an alias and a fake email address while doing the same. Believe me, I’ve seen enough
Continue readingOne of the most important things you could do this month would be to watch The EpochTimes’s The Real Story of Jan.6.(It’s streamed free throughout September.) It will make
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