#ncga: Solar leeches STILL feasting on us
I’ll never forget those old Friday the 13th movies. They kept killing off the psycho hockey mask-clad villain. And he SOMEHOW kept coming back in sequels to kill again and
Continue readingI’ll never forget those old Friday the 13th movies. They kept killing off the psycho hockey mask-clad villain. And he SOMEHOW kept coming back in sequels to kill again and
Continue readingReligious right leader and national radio host James Dobson has already thrown his support behind Kay Daly. Now, Erick Erickson — founder of the RedState blog, a Georgia-based national radio host,
Continue readingThe,um, “opposition” has pretty much rolled over and played dead in response to Barry Obama. They stood by and watched while he decimated our health care system and our economy.
Continue readingI have acquaintances who own a small business called ConnectNC. I am sure they don’t appreciate the nomenclature attached to the latest attempt by The Raleigh cartel to lighten our wallets.
Continue readingMet a girl called Lola and I took her back to my place Feelin’ guilty, feelin’ scared, hidden cameras everywhere Stop! hold on. stay in control Girl, I want, you
Continue readingRenee Ellmers’s team put out the word long ago that they would not be debating ANY of their girl’s FOUR primary opponents. But, a circumstance has developed causing them to
Continue readingSpeaker Tim Moore’s faaaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite TV reporter is at it again. Apparently, some folks at the federal level (who carry handcuffs for a living) are interested in what some folks at
Continue readingBe safe and smart as you kiss 2015 goodbye and welcome 2016. Come back and see us. We’ve got a lot of work to do for March AND November.
Continue readingWith the passage of the recent Omnibus travesty, word leaked out that the legislation could QUADRUPLE the amount of guest worker visas issued per year. Our buddy and friend Thom
Continue readingThis Bloomberg piece offers a peek at the profesional bio of majority leader Mitch McConnell that probably explains an awful lot: […] The Senate majority leader didn’t begin his career
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