#ncgov: Oh, yeah. THAT crime lab.
The N&O was sooooo proud of their investigative exposé of the NC State Crime Lab — a division of the attorney general’s office. Of course, that was before they
Continue readingThe N&O was sooooo proud of their investigative exposé of the NC State Crime Lab — a division of the attorney general’s office. Of course, that was before they
Continue readingI must admit that it’s a bit awkward to find myself defending NCGOP executive director Dallas Woodhouse. Just about every move he makes is worthy of employment termination and heaps
Continue readingYes, we’ve added a little bit of reader participation into our “Driveby weenie of the year” competition. Kinda like those stupid ‘People’s Choice Awards’ on TV.’ But this is
Continue readingOkay. We’ve named this award in honor of The N&O’s Colin Campbell, who famously tweeted his disappointment in not seeing a single genital during a recent trip to a public
Continue readingJim Puckett has great conservative street cred. He took to Facebook to sound off on the process to fill the vacancy created in House District 92 by the resignation of
Continue readingIt’s not surprising to hear statists blame everything and everyone BUT themselves and their big government delusions for problems in the world. *People are poor because the rich and greedy
Continue readingYou would THINK it might make sense to appoint a guy who oh so narrowly lost to incumbent Charles Jeter to fill the seat and run for it in November.
Continue readingTalk about bi-partisanship. Driveby media reports indicate that Rutherfordton attorney David Rogers has been selected to fill the unexpired NC House term of majority leader Mike Hager. (A
Continue readingIn 2010, the GOP got a bunch of new elected soldiers with the mission of staging a full-frontal assault on ObamaCare. After the election, we got a whole lot of
Continue readingMike Hager’s chair is not even cold, but there are already at least two rear ends fighting to sit in it. The majority leader’s resignation became official today and all
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