Rep. LaRoque and the latest on the smell test
The problems keep piling up for state Rep. Stephen LaRoque (R-Kinston) — a close political ally and friend of SpeakerrrrrRichardMorgan™. According to the left-wing group
Continue readingThe problems keep piling up for state Rep. Stephen LaRoque (R-Kinston) — a close political ally and friend of SpeakerrrrrRichardMorgan™. According to the left-wing group
Continue reading(Yes, that is a severed head on a pike at the Occupy Wall Street ‘event’ in NYC. More specifically, it is an effigy of Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s
Continue readingOkay. All evidence shows that the N&O newsroom worked hand-in-hand with the governor’s office to kill the uproar over Boss Bev’s ‘suspend the elections’ speech in Cary. At first
Continue readingIn this age of dwindling tax revenue and budgets drowning in red ink, I have a few questions for the new conservative majority in the legislature. Why are we still
Continue readingThe state Senate GOP majority issued a blistering release today attacking our state’s buffoonish governor for antics that cost The Tar Heel State jobs: Today Continental Tire
Continue readingU.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) has announced his plan to seek the #2 position in the Senate Republican caucus, once it is vacated by its current occupant, retiring U.S.
Continue readingNC state House Speaker Thom Tillis (R) recently speculated publicly about selling off state assets — like a hospital and a railroad — to help state government get
Continue readingI used to be impressed with the 3rd congressional district’s Walter Jones (RINO). While serving in the state legislature as a Democrat, he frequently broke with the leftist majority
Continue readingI am sure North Carolina Republicans are sitting back and enjoying some rare bad publicity for Madame Governor. State Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger
Continue readingSurprisingly, the sycophants and apologists for all things portside in the newsroom at The Raleigh News & Observer first told us about Madame Governor suggesting elections should be
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