PPP: #NCGOV race (still) TIED
I know. I know. We are talking here about the crowd that gave us ‘Deez Nuts.’ According to Public Policy Polling, the race for North Carolina governor is basically right
Continue readingI know. I know. We are talking here about the crowd that gave us ‘Deez Nuts.’ According to Public Policy Polling, the race for North Carolina governor is basically right
Continue readingThere is a group of ladies here in Moore County who have done yeoman’s work in verifying voter rolls. They’ve helped catch a non-citizen who voted twice and a number
Continue readingWRAL owner and limousine liberal Jim Goodmon continues to stomp on the grave of his late uncle (and founder of WRAL) A.J. Fletcher. Fletcher was a renowned conservative who
Continue readingWe get a lot of interesting folks who pass through here in lil’ ol’ Pinehurst. I’ve had the chance to become acquainted with a WWE wrestler / performer who spends
Continue readingA group called Robeson for Advancement has been identified in driveby media reports as a leading force in the lobbying effort to get SB554 — authorizing a build/lease program
Continue readingWe learned a lot about political coverage at Jim Goodmon’s WRAL by watching Laura Leslie’s Facebook account. Leslie is an unabashed, unashamed fire-breathing hard-left feminazi. But she is presented
Continue readingRobeson County is arguably one of the poorest, most crime-ridden locales in the state. That’s why it is so strange that some of the biggest political names in North Carolina
Continue readingOn the face of it, SB554 sounds like a nice, innovative idea — leasing school buildngs under creative financing schemes to cash-strapped county systems around the state. But outgoing treasurer
Continue readingBusiness news ain’t what it used to be. One would think it would be all about the intricacies of the free market. Yet, more and more, SJW crap is displacing
Continue readingThe magic 8-ball tells me: ‘It appears so.’ While Speaker Tim Moore was putting on the fundraising hard-sell, he also happened to brief his caucus on an alleged poll that
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