Remedial education for NC high school graduates on the rise
The Democrats WANT to talk about education this campaign season. They’ve dominated state government for decades. They’ve thrown tons of money at our public schools. How’s
Continue readingThe Democrats WANT to talk about education this campaign season. They’ve dominated state government for decades. They’ve thrown tons of money at our public schools. How’s
Continue readingWe’re being told that those mean ol’ legislative Republicans on Jones Street are trying to bleed public education dry. Au Contraire, mes amis. Check out this
Continue readingBobby “BOOM BOOM” Etheridge says we need to dump MORE money into public education. We’re getting THIS from the state Democrat Party and its house propaganda organ, The
Continue readingI’ve been getting some — ahem — “love letters” from people defending the State Employees Association of North Carolina from my insinuations that the group is little more than a
Continue readingWow. I have to tuck that one away for the next time I get into hot water. THAT is the defense put up by a state
Continue readingOur Nobel Prize-winning, Pulitzer prize-contending local paper here in Moore County is at it again — parroting the leftist views of its owners and making their
Continue readingThe N&O was pondering why Boss Bev was not tooting her horn about a slight drop in recent unemployment figures. (North Carolina’s rate FELL from 10% down to 9.9%. Most
Continue readingThe hubbub over this shooting case in Florida has created some new spin about black men being unfairly targeted because they are wearing hooded sweatshirts (AKA “hoodies.”) A friend of
Continue readingTwo North Carolina state House Republicans are throwing in with the fact-less, scare-tactic left on fracking. The N&O dutifully reports on opposition research dug up by its masters
Continue readingThe American Petroleum Institute has prepared an eye-opening briefing on the total tax burden — by state — drivers are dealing with at the gas pumps. According to API,
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