SEANC: Democrat Party mouthpiece
I’ve been getting some — ahem — “love letters” from people defending the State Employees Association of North Carolina from my insinuations that the group is little more than a
Continue readingI’ve been getting some — ahem — “love letters” from people defending the State Employees Association of North Carolina from my insinuations that the group is little more than a
Continue readingOur Nobel Prize-winning, Pulitzer prize-contending local paper here in Moore County is at it again — parroting the leftist views of its owners and making their
Continue readingThe N&O was pondering why Boss Bev was not tooting her horn about a slight drop in recent unemployment figures. (North Carolina’s rate FELL from 10% down to 9.9%. Most
Continue readingPublic Policy Polling, A Democrat consulting firm based in Durham, has declared that there is A LOT of confusion among voters on the upcoming referendum on amending the state constitution.
Continue readingTwo North Carolina state House Republicans are throwing in with the fact-less, scare-tactic left on fracking. The N&O dutifully reports on opposition research dug up by its masters
Continue readingYep. That’s what AAA says: UNC Charlotte student Lauren Brown says driving without a license is no good, “It’s scary though, if anything.” The
Continue readingVoters gave Republicans a majority in the NC General Assembly and a clear mandate to cut government and taxes in 2010. Two years later, we’ve got minimal cuts in government
Continue readingYou could call it sloppy, lazy reporting. You could call it conveniently leaving out inconvenient facts in order to spin a story the way you want it to go. But
Continue readingOur highly unpopular governor is passing on running for reelection. Our state’s economy is in the tank. Our unemployment rate is higher than the national average. The Tea
Continue readingThe North Carolina Department of Commerce has released figures showing unemployment rose during January in 95 of the state’s 100 counties. (The rate decreased in three counties and held steady
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