When all else fails, blame “the rich”
Big government liberalism is failing spectacularly under the watch of BarryO, and leftists are apoplectic. How can this be? Government can fix ANYTHING! When numbers come out showing
Continue readingBig government liberalism is failing spectacularly under the watch of BarryO, and leftists are apoplectic. How can this be? Government can fix ANYTHING! When numbers come out showing
Continue readingNorth Carolina’s Republican Members of Congress have proved — once again — that keeping Speaker John Boehner happy is more important than looking out for the folks struggling through
Continue readingWe’ve got real good case study going on right now illustrating how disingenuous leftists and their comrades in the alleged Mainstream Media (MSM) can be when they
Continue readingSeriously, Mr. Leader. What good did you think could come from going to Chapel Hill to defend the gay marriage ban constitutional amendment? Going over there was akin to a
Continue readingOK. This screams “photoshop.” MSNBC — the chief stenographers for BarryO — posted this photo without commenting on its bizarre nature. (Some of the commenters on their web
Continue readingHas anyone else noticed the hard left turn of the Democrats’ rhetoric recently? They’re panicking. Their big government, redistributionist policies are pushing the country into a bigger, deeper economic
Continue readingBarry-O is flitting around the country spinning a yarn about how EXACTLY 153 bridges will fall if Congress doesn’t approve his “American Jobs Act” – which actually hits struggling
Continue readingWhile most all of Barack Obama’s prospective Republican opponents are busy pandering to the media over social security, one columnist, Michael Walsh of The New York Post, is
Continue readingThe alleged mainstream media (MSM) is beside itself — pretending to be patriotic — as it commemorates the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 mass murders in New York, DC and
Continue readingThe N&O’s Rob Christensen is at it again — going to bat for Ruling Class bureaucrats and politicians against those EVIL , know-nothing taxpayers and voters. Rob wants us
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