Civitas: What Belt Tightening?
It’s election time. The honorables on the right side of the aisle on Jones Street are running around telling us how conservative and careful they’ve been with the people’s money.
Continue readingIt’s election time. The honorables on the right side of the aisle on Jones Street are running around telling us how conservative and careful they’ve been with the people’s money.
Continue readingWe on the right are frequently criticized by The Left and its comrades in the allegedly mainstream media for pushing “moderates” out of the GOP. The latest example
Continue readingBoss Bev, legislative Dems, and their hench-persons in North Carolina’s alleged mainstream media (MSM) tried to tell us THE SKY WOULD FALL if budget cuts pushed
Continue readingIt is ASTOUNDING how much the staff editorials in our thrice-weekly Pulitzer Prize-winning local paper mirror the rhetoric on MSNBC and the spin of the state
Continue readingThe Raleigh-based Civitas Institute has released an interesting study that contradicts the spin from leftists and their media comrades about those mean ol’ Republicans and their state
Continue readingState senator Jerry Tillman (R-Randolph), the #2 Republican in the state senate and likely Moore County’s next representative in that body, is taking leftist political activists to task for their
Continue readingNC state House Speaker Thom Tillis (R) recently speculated publicly about selling off state assets — like a hospital and a railroad — to help state government get
Continue readingSuperior Court Judge Howard Manning has said the state MUST fully fund pre-K classes, and that state legislators have no recourse but to do what he says. Wow. One lawyer
Continue readingUnbelievable. A federal judge — aided and abetted in his climb through the ranks by “Monty Hall Republican” Senator Richard Burr — has said North Carolina taxpayers MUST keep funding
Continue readingState Democrats and their allies in the teachers union are STILL trying to beat up on conservatives in the legislature for the budget recently passed by both chambers despite the
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