Robin & Dallas’s lawyer running for NCGOP vice-chairman
Michele Nix is abandoning the sinking ship at NCGOP HQ to run for Congress. In their bid to cling to power, Dallas Woodhouse and his Grandpa have recruited the
Continue readingMichele Nix is abandoning the sinking ship at NCGOP HQ to run for Congress. In their bid to cling to power, Dallas Woodhouse and his Grandpa have recruited the
Continue readingThat’s what it might look like to the casual observer. Check this out from Twitter the other day: In most cases, this Twitter account is overseen by Travis Fain
Continue readingThe third luckiest person upon the conclusion of the state elections hearings this week — behind Dan McCready and Dallas Woodhouse — is state elections supervisor Kim Strach. The
Continue readingJournalism, like politics, has always been dominated by lying and scalawag-ery. I saw it as a driveby 20-plus years ago. I’d come home from work, turn on the news,
Continue readingRoy Cooper can’t always be counted on to do the ethical thing. (See The Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Josh Malcolm as examples.) His choice for Robeson County board
Continue readingIt was awfully sweet for those darlings over at McClatchy to illustrate yesterday’s proceedings at the state bar with a pic of Mark Harris bawling his eyes out. The
Continue readingSome of those * poor defenseless needy “refugees” * from south of the border are really starting to wear out their welcome, eh? Just the other day, a gaggle
Continue readingDallas better watch his back. He’s got some competition in the never-ending race to embarrass the NCGOP. And that new competitor is none other than young Patrick Sebastian —
Continue readingDo they want a new election or NOT? Is the appearance of Republican cheating more significant than the more abundant and much-better documented evidence of Democrat cheating? The circus
Continue readingAfter our last story, some knowledegable folks in the areas of law enforcement and the practice of law asked some questions of us (likely rhetorical, methinks). The drivebys
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