MSM chides GOP for holding on to that *silly* NO NEW TAXES thing
The debate on the economy has been framed as a choice between (a) tax increases or (b) starving children and the elderly. Unfortunately, we’re not hearing a word
Continue readingFor SOME NC GOPers, being a Boehner lapdog has its rewards
We’ve all seen and heard the stories about Boehner, Cantor and McCarthy’s list of conservatives to purge from committee positions. Apparently, Tea Party-aligned Members of Congress who actively
Continue reading“Getting Something DONE” vs. “Standing Firm and Doing What’s RIGHT”
An awful lot of the DC Republican establishment is lashing out at conservatives who were unwilling to go along with John Boehner and Eric Cantor’s tail-tucking
Continue readingOnce again, Tim Lea is pummeled by some pesky FACTS
Tim Lea stepped down from his seat on the Moore County board of commissioners this year after serving two terms. Lea spent much of his first term in
Continue readingObamaCare to impact Fido’s vet bill TOO
If you think ObamaCare is going to jack up medical costs for you and your family, wait until you get a load of the potential impact on
Continue readingDems control two-thirds of process, but SOMEHOW fiscal cliff is ALL GOP’s fault
We all woke up this morning to media spin like this: ”Speaker Boehner, facing a rebellion in his party, abandoned his plan to avert tax increases
Continue readingWhat ever happened to CUTTING taxes AND cutting SPENDING ???
Politicians in Raleigh and DC, aided and abetted by our oft-clueless media, are railing about how the only way to fix our economic mess is to get the ‘guv-mint’
Continue readingPaul Newby & The Supremes give NCDOT a reality check
Just in case you needed some evidence that elections MATTER, look no further than The North Carolina Supreme Court. Justice Paul Newby, fresh off of a tough
Continue readingWelcome to the Obama Era: Uncle Sam & Aunt Bev are largest NC employers
Triangle Business Journal’s ranking of North Carolina’s Top Ten Largest Employers speaks screams volumes about the sorry state of the Tar Heel State’s econ0my. The two largest —
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