Now, about those judges ….
We’ve got some big races coming up for the state Supreme Court. Lefties, locked out of the legislature and the governor’s office, see the court races as their best hope
Continue readingWe’ve got some big races coming up for the state Supreme Court. Lefties, locked out of the legislature and the governor’s office, see the court races as their best hope
Continue readingThings are going so, um, *well* for Renee Ellmers over here in NC-02 that congressman Robert Pittenger is following her lead on two of this season’s most explosive, controversial issues.
Continue readingI’ve detected a bit of smugness on the part of establishment Republicans in the wake of Charlotte mayor Patrick Cannon’s arrest by the FBI on corruption charges. NCGOP was quick
Continue readingAn Eastern North Carolina GOP leader has filed an official complaint against state Rep. Brian Brown (R-Pitt) filled with allegations of financial impropriety and “Pay to Play.” Todd Bennett of
Continue readingWe’ve got some pretty big races for US House and US Senate on the November ballot here in North Carolina. One very significant item on the November ballot is not
Continue readingI wish Renee Ellmers had shown as much devotion to fighting ObamaCare and cutting the size of government as she has to promoting amnesty for illegal aliens. Every survey I’ve
Continue readingAlgore invented it. Now, Big Barry is giving it away. Investors Business Daily has the details: Error 404: U.S. officials plan to relinquish federal control over the administration of the
Continue readingCongresswoman Renee Ellmers and other supporters of “comprehensive immigration reform” are trying to make their case by suggesting that we need to back off aggressive enforcement of immigration laws because
Continue readingAmnesty — “comprehensive immigration reform”, or whatever you want to call it — is on everyone’s mind here in the heat of Campaign 2014. In fact, congresswoman Renee Ellmers had
Continue readingSome people JUST don’t know when to shut up. Congresswoman Renee Ellmers got her posterior roughed up a wee bit by nationally-syndicated conservative radio host Laura Ingraham today. Ingraham
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