Drive-by crocodile tears over ‘academic freedom’
It’s particularly disgusting to see our state’s drive-by media try to compare the UNC Board of Governors’ decision to shut down a scam on the Chapel Hill campus to McCarthyism
Continue readingIt’s particularly disgusting to see our state’s drive-by media try to compare the UNC Board of Governors’ decision to shut down a scam on the Chapel Hill campus to McCarthyism
Continue readingI’ve never been a big fan of study commissions organized by politicians. They are almost always easy ways out for politicians looking to avoid having to take a tough stand
Continue readingThe drive-bys are telling us that the medical school at East Carolina is in deep trouble: The chancellor of East Carolina University says the medical school in Greenville could close
Continue readingDemocrat June Atkinson has been elected multiple times to administer the state of North Carolina’s public education policy. State senator Jerry Tillman(R) — a former educator and currently that chamber’s majority whip
Continue readingFrustration with the rising cost of health care gave politicians the ammo they needed to hang this ObamaCare monstrosity around our necks. While we’re all focused on that, we’re overlooking
Continue readingYou would think — in the wake of the murders of those NYPD officers and the attempted murder of that Durham cop — leftists would tone down their anti-police rhetoric.
Continue readingBarryO has decided he wants to give everybody a free ride through community college. Heck. His radical overhaul of healthcare has worked *so well.* Why not meddle here? Our senior
Continue readingJihadWatch, a site aimed at calling out Islamic extremists here and abroad, is highlighting a rather disturbing story out of Pitt County: “We discovered that the vocabulary lesson was taken
Continue readingBlinkin’ Chris Fitzsimon and his partner-in-crime Scowlin’ Rob Schofield recently lead a chorus of drive-bys in needling State senate president Phil Berger about alleged public school money woes in his
Continue readingTHAT is the proclamation of one Rob Schofield — Bert to Chris “Blinkin’ ” Fitzsimon’s Ernie — as the WRAL subsidiary that employs that dynamic duo tunes up for the 2015
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