Obama’s Gun Grab
The,um, “opposition” has pretty much rolled over and played dead in response to Barry Obama. They stood by and watched while he decimated our health care system and our economy.
Continue readingThe,um, “opposition” has pretty much rolled over and played dead in response to Barry Obama. They stood by and watched while he decimated our health care system and our economy.
Continue readingI have acquaintances who own a small business called ConnectNC. I am sure they don’t appreciate the nomenclature attached to the latest attempt by The Raleigh cartel to lighten our wallets.
Continue readingMet a girl called Lola and I took her back to my place Feelin’ guilty, feelin’ scared, hidden cameras everywhere Stop! hold on. stay in control Girl, I want, you
Continue readingSpeaker Tim Moore’s faaaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite TV reporter is at it again. Apparently, some folks at the federal level (who carry handcuffs for a living) are interested in what some folks at
Continue readingState Rep. David Lewis has had a bumpy holiday season. He’s had an ethic complaint filed against him by a fellow Republican legislator. He’s been the focus of two stories
Continue readingThe solar goons, the drive-bys and the ruling class have had their fun laughing at the people of Woodland, North Carolina for opposing the construction of a new solar energy
Continue readingThe House Rules chairman sure is keeping things stirred up this Christmas season. The target of at least two ethics complaints from fellow Republicans, and impeachment proceedings seeking to remove
Continue readingPeace on Earth? Not on Jones Street. We’ve got a major fight brewing and about to bubble over among Republicans in the General Assembly’s lower chamber. Sources intimately familiar with
Continue readingThe majority leader of the North Carolina House says that body’s Rules committee chairman, David Lewis (R-Harnett), is unfairly maligning him. Mike Hager (R-Rutherfordton) addressed some of his colleagues today
Continue readingIt sounds like SOMEBODY is not having a very merry Christmas: Dear Republican colleagues, I appreciate all of you who joined my conference call last Thursday afternoon. For those
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