WHO is the REAL saboteur here?
The cartoon character at NCGOP, who sits brooding in the dark between CNN and MSNBC appearances, turned his fire and fury on ME and this site early this morning.
Continue readingThe cartoon character at NCGOP, who sits brooding in the dark between CNN and MSNBC appearances, turned his fire and fury on ME and this site early this morning.
Continue readingDemocrats are working hard to sell us on their alleged clean-cut, GI Joe, patriotic-as-apple-pie, capitalism-loving, All-American Boy nominee in the Ninth Congressional District. For all that spin, Mr. McCready
Continue readingFront Page magazine, published by conservative activist David Horowitz, says J Street — a liberal Jewish PAC based in DC — is way too kind to George Soros and
Continue readingYep. The crew that convinced all those elected Republicans in Raleigh to become WHORES for subsidized solar shysters is now working to convince the NCGOP to include Medicaid expansion
Continue readingWe’ve all known someone like Robert Pittenger. It could be an acquaintance, a coworker, a relative, a neighbor. It’s one of those folks who just doesn’t get that they’ve
Continue readingIt’s nothing new for liberals to construct conservative-sounding imagery when running in areas that normally vote Republican. If you read what Democrats and their slobbering sycophant sidekicks in the
Continue readingMecklenburg County was the site of one of the worst electoral blowouts in the state for the GOP. (Hell, the county GOP probably qualifies for FEMA funding.) State senator
Continue readingThe Dan McCready campaign wants to paint the picture of a decorated war hero, committed capitalist, and devout church-going family man who simply wants to go to DC to
Continue readingMark Walker is the latest name being thrown about by folks who really want to see special-interest-cash-whore Thom Tilli$$$ move on to do something else: Sen. Thom Tillis
Continue readingFayetteville’s Stevie Rivenbark and state senator Dan Bishop of Charlotte joined Stony Rushing and Fern Shubert in the GOP field for the Ninth Congressional District. Ms. Rivenbark is
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