#NC-03: John Boehner backs Scott Dacey
That’s what the folks at Bloomberg say:
Add former Speaker John Boehner to the list of Washington names piling on against Rep. Walter Jones.
Jones (R-N.C.) is being challenged in next week’s primary election.
Boehner’s political action committee, The Freedom Project, sent a $1,500 contribution April 27 to Scott Dacey, a county commissioner and lobbyist seeking to unseat Jones.
The Freedom Project’s “purpose is to keep and expand a conservative majority in the U.S. House,” John Criscuolo, the group’s executive director
and a longtime Boehner aide, said in an e-mail to Bloomberg Government. “Scott Dacey is our best shot in this district to help ensure that goal is achieved.”
Jones’s party-bucking behavior includes voting against Boehner for speaker in 2013 and 2015. […]
Dacey disclosed the donation in an April 30 report to the Federal Election Commission. Other current and former House Republicans have donated to his campaign. There’s no Democrat seeking North Carolina’s 3rd, which gave Donald Trump about 60 percent of the vote in the 2016 presidential election.
Boehner resigned from Congress in October 2015.
This is simply the principal of payback — against Jones and FOR Dacey. Jones was a prominent critic of Boehner throughout his reign over the US House. Dacey, an Indian casino lobbyist, has been documented as a donor to the Boehner for Speaker campaign fund.
swamp creatures support what he hope will be another swamp creature….. even more reason to keep Walter Jones
The Kiss of Death. And it smells like cigarette smoke.
Yep. More and more reasons to vote for Walter Jones. We also need to support Boswell, Speciale, Pittman and others that have been targeted by the establishment swamp creatures.
It’s time to get our wading boots on, load up with buckshot and slugs, and clean this swamp up.
John Boehner telling you he is a conservative is like Raul Castro telling you he is a conservative. Boehner represents the stinkiest part of the swamp.
NEVER Dacey.
If Dacey steals the nomination, then this will be a key target seat for the Constitution Party, and a lot of Republicans will be voting with them instead of GOP.
Jones has had some votes I disagree with but you can’t question his honesty and integrity. He told people last year that Dacey was tied in with Boehner, Ryan and the entire Swamp Crowd and guess what, he was right. I hope DC Dacey finishes 3rd and crawls back to the Swamp where he belongs.
This is the first major race where the lowering the threshold for a candidate to win a nomination without a runoff from 40% to 30% could distort the result. If Dacey is in a runoff with either Jones or Law, he loses. Jones and Law are splitting the conservative vote, and all of the supporters of each I know consider Dacey their last choice. But this 30% law could allow Dacey to exploit that split in the conservatives and steal the nomination without a runoff.
Dacey has been a prolific political contributor to Democrats and would be a very hard pill to swallow for loyal Republicans..
It is appalling that a tiny clique in our party – three party officials plus a powerful legislator if the word in the party is correct – pulled off this very dirty deal to reduce the threshold in an underhanded and dishonest manner.
If the nightmare scenario occurs in the 3rd District Congressional Primary, I know a good number of Republicans that will leave on the spot – including me.
Something needs to happen concerning the state party leadership issues, such as the ‘situation’ with the Chairman, Executive Director, and Central Committee. Also, things need to be fixed concerning a lot of corrupt crap that has rolled down on us such as the 30 percent threshold monstrosity. We could also add open primaries to the list. In all honesty, barring a miracle, I’m probably on borrowed time in the GOP no matter what happens on Tuesday.
Same here. I have some remaining business to conduct under the GOP banner but the sand is running out of the hourglass, and the Constitution Party beckons.
Yeah, I reckon so.