Things to think about before going to the polls
- HB2. Gov. McCrory explained this beautifully in the second debate. Too bad the drive bys didn’t give a crap about relaying that information to their dwindling audiences. HB2 deals ONLY with public facilities. Like schools, for instance. The state does not care what you do in your private business or residence. The bill was in response to an effort by Charlotte to make it illegal for ANYONE within that jurisdiction to segregate any part of their facilities by gender. In other words: NO men’s and ladies’ rooms, nor men’s and ladies’ locker rooms. The legislation requires anyone wishing to make changes like that to run them FIRST through the state legislature — just like the s
tate constitution says. In other words: The bill changes NOTHING. It keeps things AS THEY ARE, but blocks leftists from their radical social engineering antics.
- EDUCATION SPENDING. The record shows that Republicans in the General Assembly have increased spending on public education every year since they took over in 2010. Mad about the levels of teacher pay, or spending on local facilities or teacher assistants, or on textbooks? GO SEE YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL BOARD OR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Those folks make personnel decisions — like hiring or salary levels. In Moore County, we keep adding bureaucrats at the schools’ central office making beaucoup more than classroom teachers. I haven’t heard any good arguments about WHY we’re doing that. But Phil Berger and Tim Moore and Pat McCrory are not steering these moves. They’re being orchestrated locally.
- COMPETENCE. The usual suspects are out there telling us that Roy Cooper and Hillary Clinton are the most competent, most qualified candidates seeking their respective offices. Roy Cooper, despite the flood of evidence suggesting his crime lab is a mess, has no answers. He can’t handle his corner — his piece — of state government. And we’re supposed to hand the WHOLE THING over to him?
Hillary Clinton is a similar story. She got fired from her post on The Watergate investigative committee. She got her job with Little Rock’s prestigious Rose Law Firm while her husband was the state’s attorney general and governor. She got into The White House when her husband won in 1992 and 1996. Her meddling in government policy in 1993 and 1994 led to her husband’s party losing its congressional majorities. She got elected to the US Senate because her husband was president and she ran in a strong Democrat state. She accomplished little to nothing in the US Senate, but then ran for the presidency — based mostly on her role as the wife of a former president. She lost, but got named secretary of state — mainly due to the old maxim about ‘keeping your enemies closer.’ All kinds of conflicts blew up around the world while she was secretary of state — reversing a lot of the good work accomplished during the Bush years. And then she left our people to die at the hands of Islamic radicals in Benghazi. And here she is running for president AGAIN.Meanwhile, we’re told that Donald Trump — who turned an initial $1 million seed loan into BILLIONS OF DOLLARS — is not competent to be president. He’s created all kinds of jobs and boosted all kinds of local economies. *But he’s not qualified to be president.* (I can’t find any record of his decisions leading to civil wars or deaths of Americans.)
- FEAR? I have actually come across some people, who I thought were rational and informed and competent, who have fretted publicly about their fears of a Trump presidency. They’re afraid, they tell me, that he’s going to start a nuclear war. Really? Hillary and Obama have aggravated the situation in Syria into a full-blown disaster. Same for Iraq.
And then there is the gangster modus operandi of Team Clinton. We’ve all seen and heard of the tapes about ‘bird-dogging’ — activists trained and paid by the Clinton campaign to incite violence at Trump rallies. Let’s not forget the Clinton Foundation and the clear record of shaking down various world leaders and business types for favors at Hillary’s State Department in exchange for BIG cash donations to the Foundation. Sound like the plot of a season of ‘The Sopranos’?
In reality, it’s the potential plot of the first four years of the Hillary Clinton administration. Donald Trump is blunt-spoken. As far as I know, he’s not paying people to be beaten up, and is not shaking
people down for money in exchange for government favors. LBJ was also blunt-spoken, and is known to have regularly exposed himself to Oval Office visitors. (Liberals still love him.) George S. Patton, one of our greatest military leaders, had a foul mouth. But his troops loved him, and he won a lot of battles on behalf of his country.
I’ll take a foul mouth over a criminal mentality ANY DAY.
Slightly off-topic but slightly related.
Am I the only one who thinks, that while things are close, that the GOP is likely to win all major statewide races and will only lose a few legislative seats in Wake and Mecklenburg counties?
People are making a big deal about the early voting BUT the very areas that Dems and minorities tend to live are NOT recovering from the hurricane in the same way the coastal areas are. Wake and Meck didn’t have the damage they did down east. While those fine Eastern folks may be more concerned with drying out right now, they will vote.
Additional good signs for the GOP:
1) AA vote is WAY DOWN compared to last year;
2) In 2008 and 2012, when the total Dem turnout was greater than GOP and Indy together, Dems won statewide (2008) when it wasn’t the GOP won (2012). Eight now, the Dems ARE WAY BEHIND COMPARED TO BOTH YEARS;
3) While some are making a big deal about the DEM advantage in REQUESTED ABSENTEE BALLOTS, they only have a slight advantage when it comes to sent in and ACCEPTED ballots, which is usually a DEM strength…The GOP usually wins the election day vote.
Anyway, I can be completely off. I draw encouragement knowing that I do not know a SINGLE Romney voter from 2012 that is NOT voting for Trump this year.
The only thing that has me discouraged is that I have come to see how MUCH the media, GOPe and the anti-God forces are all working together to destroy the country of my forebears. Such a sad, maddening time to live in.
I am still convinced the Romney-Bush elite GOP establishment will doom our entire ticket in NC. They are working overtime for a Hillary Clinton victory.
Republicans need to wise up and start actively running against the media, the way Jesse Helms used to, and the way Nixon did using Agnew as a surrogate to constantly denounce the media as ”nattering nabobs of negativism”.
The Gallup poll shows that only 32% of Americans say they trust the media. Republicans need to hammer the biased leftwing media even harder and take that number down further. That does not need to be just at election time, but constantly.
Media bias has always been there, but now it is far worse than it has ever been.
I think Avila and Malone will prevail in Wake and if they do, the statewide political landscape won’t much change for the worse. Ditto if Dollar survives although his race is both a win-win and a lose-lose depending on how you look at it