The SCC Files: College VP trashes Independence Day

The president of Sandhills Community College will tell you — with a straight face — that there is no DEI at his school.   Various members of the college’s board of trustees will tell you — with a straight face — there is no DEI at Sandhills Community College.  

Meanwhile, the same dean who ran the college’s DEI office is now running an office that has a new name but apparently still does DEI stuff.

There are seven people on the college’s leadership chart right below El Presidente Sandy Stewart.  One of the seven — and Stewart’s chief of staff — Julie Voigt represented the college at a national confab celebrating DEI and Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Another one of the seven is Dr. Fallon Brewington.    She recently caught the eye of the nationally-renowned conservative Twitter account @libsoftiktok :


Here is Brewington’s original social media post:



Brewington has a senior-level job at a college that likely comes with a six-figure salary.  One has to wonder WHAT “injustices” she’s all butt-hurt about.

America has had its rough times, but it has been, is, and will continue to be the greatest place on the planet.  There is some reason millions upon millions of people are flocking to our shores.  If Brewington can ID a better place to live and exist, no one is stopping her from going there. 

Moore County, how did our local college get to this point?   George Little, Larry Caddell, John Dempsey, and now Sandy Stewart have been allowed to do whatever they want.

There are 15 total members of the board of trustees.  Unfortunately, thirteen of them have sat on their hands and allowed the college president, Little and Caddell to do whatever they want.  The board — like the county board of education — is supposed to be a watchdog for the county’s taxpayers.  Instead, those 13 have decided to be lapdogs — cooing in approval as George, Larry, and Sandy run amok with our tax dollars. 

Several board of trustee seats come open in 2024 and 2025.  The best way to shake things up over on Airport Road, and implement positive change, is to extract quite a bit of dead weight from the board of trustees.

The Moore County board of commissioners and our legislators have the final say on who gets appointed.  If you want to serve on the board – to replace one of the incumbent spectators — reach out to the clerk to the board of commissioners in Carthage or to one of our legislators (Neal Jackson, Ben Moss, John Sauls, or Tom McInnis). 

(If you’re inclined to sit quietly and fawn over Larry Caddell, don’t bother applying.)