#ncga: The era of ‘tax-and-spend’ Republicans
I took a look at that bill –portrayed in the media as a gas tax cut — that is really a gas tax hike. It lumps all kinds of changes
Continue readingI took a look at that bill –portrayed in the media as a gas tax cut — that is really a gas tax hike. It lumps all kinds of changes
Continue readingThe “conservative revolution” rolls on. We’ve obtained a draft of a bill (dated February 4) being drafted and pushed by legislative leaders (read REPUBLICANS) seeking $45 million bucks worth of
Continue readingJudging from an account shared on social media by some of our sources in the Eighth congressional district, there are some Republicans who are not happy campers when it comes
Continue readingIt does make you wonder what’s going on in the lower chamber on Jones Street. In 2013, then-speaker Thom Tillis and his team set up a non-profit called North Carolina
Continue readingRenee Ellmers’s taxpayer funded political hacks are still trying to spin her out of her self-made mess on that later-term abortion bill. And National Review has the audio. I’ve
Continue readingThe House voted on legislation to defund DACA — Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — which is Barry Obama’s plan to provide annesty to illegal alien children. The policy has been
Continue readingI know, it’s baffling. Just when I think she can’t get any more outrageous, she comes through. Renee Ellmers, the 2nd district representative to the US House, was the only
Continue readingThere was a big hulaballoo about a Democrat legislator from Dare County leaving his party to register unaffiliated. On January 9, Paul Tine was admitted to the House GOP
Continue readingThe Paul Tine defection couldn’t have come at a better time for the drive-by media and the political chattering classes. The General Assembly is not yet in session. Things were
Continue readingAre you frustrated with the current state of the NCGOP? Start organizing your like-minded friends to take over — or at least build a sizeable contingent within — your precinct
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