L’affaire LaRoque exposing chinks in Thom T’s armor?
Talk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. It’s being reported now that state House speaker Thom Tillis is recommending that his federally-indicted House
Continue readingTalk about closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. It’s being reported now that state House speaker Thom Tillis is recommending that his federally-indicted House
Continue readingThe Randolph County GOP’s vice chairman’s name has popped up as a leading contender to replace former House Speaker Harold Brubaker — who resigned from the legislature
Continue reading“Let the door knob hit you where the Good Lord split you!” — George Jefferson The mainstream media was full of glowing tributes to former House Speaker and
Continue readingWell, the honorables on Jones Street hashed it out over global warming this week, and the arrogance and elitism of the granolas — still smarting from their banishment to
Continue readingCongressman Walter Jones (R-3) has endorsed former Democrat legislator Arthur Williams in the July 17th GOP runoff for North Carolina State House District 6 in the
Continue readingRepublican activists in Eastern North Carolina are continuing to fume over allegations that GOP leaders in Raleigh are meddling in local primaries. Earlier this week, a GOP activist
Continue readingIt’s election time. The honorables on the right side of the aisle on Jones Street are running around telling us how conservative and careful they’ve been with the people’s money.
Continue readingWe’re being told that those mean ol’ legislative Republicans on Jones Street are trying to bleed public education dry. Au Contraire, mes amis. Check out this
Continue readingPaul “Skip” Stam is the affable leader of the Republican majority in the NC House. He was a compromise candidate for caucus leader elected in the wake of the
Continue readingWe on the right are frequently criticized by The Left and its comrades in the allegedly mainstream media for pushing “moderates” out of the GOP. The latest example
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