#ncga: Jason Saine, unopposed.

saine2You almost have to wonder WHAT is going on in Lincoln County.  You have a House member who has sold his soul to the solar Mob.  He reports spending more than $60,000 out of his campaign fund in SIX MONTHS (not an election year, BTW).  What did he spend it on?  Dinners, travel, entertainment, and clothes.  Over $19,000 worth of clothes, to be precise.   That’s all from a job that pays roughly $13,000 per year. 

(Show of hands:  How many people believe he really spent that $19,0000+ on clothes?  NOBODY has $19K hanging in their closet.) 

And the good folks of Lincoln County couldn’t come up with EVEN ONE Democrat or Republican (or Libertarian or Unaffiliated candidate) to stand in opposition to this? You folks in Lincoln County are being “represented” by a guy who went from living on unemployment benefits to having his lifestyle subsidized by lobbyists and other special interests with business in front of the very committee he chairs.  And you’re rewarding him with a free ride back to Raleigh?