NC-02: Repeal, Postpone, potato, poh-ta-toe. (Um, unconstitutional?) Nee-nee is BACK for MORE.
Big Government Barbie™ signed on the dotted line yesterday to seek two more years in Congress. Renee Ellmers, the one person who has better survival skills / luck than The RoadRunner, also took time to open her mouth for Miz Leslie and say, um, something:
[…] Ellmers also flatly refused to back a proposal by Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump and North Carolina evangelist Franklin Graham to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
“No, that’s unconstitutional,” she answered quickly. “First and foremost, as you know, our country was built on the foundation of those coming from other areas and migrating here. We simply cannot do something like that. Not only does it break many, many rules, but our First Amendment rights certainly, particularly when it comes to religious freedom. If we’re going to embrace religious freedom, then we have to stand strong on this issue.” […]
Unconstitutional? Sure, liberal ideologues and Democrats make that claim. But there are some actual smart people out there who trash that particular argument:
[…] Eric Posner, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, pointed out that the Supreme Court “has held consistently, for more than a century, that constitutional protections that normally benefit Americans and people on American territory do not apply when Congress decides who to admit and who to exclude as immigrants or other entrants.”
[…] “This is called the plenary power doctrine,” he continued. “The court has repeatedly turned away challenges to immigration statutes and executive actions on grounds that they discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, and political belief, and that they deprive foreign nationals of due process protections.”
He said while the court hasn’t ruled specifically on religious discrimination, “it has also never given the slightest indication that religion would be exempt from this general rule.”
Eugene Volokh, a First Amendment specialist at the UCLA School of Law, mostly agreed.
“As a policy matter, I think that banning entry by Muslims would be a very bad idea, for many reasons. But, like many very bad ideas, it might not be unconstitutional,” he wrote.
In fact, the Legal Information Institute at Cornell cites this provision of federal law:
Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens
or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”[…]
Nee-Nee also apparently had some confusion over the difference between repeal and postpone:
The three-term congresswoman also touted her work to reverse the Affordable Care Act, including her vote Friday morning for a spending bill that, she said, “repeals three of the major taxes in the Affordable Care Act, which essentially takes it apart.”
That was apparently too much for even Miz Leslie:
The budget deal actually delays the so-called “Cadillac tax” on generous health insurance plans from 2018 to 2020, suspends a tax on medical devices
for two years and suspends a tax on health insurance for one year. It does not repeal any of them.
REPEAL is totally different from POSTPONE. The delay is actually a win for Democrats. It puts off one of the worst parts of the law. It will take longer for most Americans to fully feel the damage of ObamaCare. In the meantime, ObamaCare continues to sink its claws into and anchor its roots into the fabric of American society.
Ellmers is running around screeching about what an anti-ObamaCare warrior princess she is. The problem with that? Back when momentum was being built for defunding ObamaCare — prior to its implementation – she said she would “absolutely not” join Ted Cruz, Mark Meadows, Walter Jones and other conservatives in the defunding fight. She also spent a good three hours during a Pinehurst town hall meeting rebutting arguments for defunding ObamaCare. When it was time to fight, Renee Ellmers SAT on her manicured hands.
So, when the next taxpayer-funded mailers and glossy TV ads come out touting Ellmers as a conservative warrior princess, don’t be fooled. Check her record. Google is a great thing. (As is THIS site.) This woman has a six year record of lying to her voters and abetting the sabotage of this country. She needs to lose her job.
Ellmers betrayed us when she voted with Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to pass the Omnibus that funds virtually the entire Obama agenda. She is a traitor of the same ilk as Benedict Arnold and needs to be bounced out of Congress.
Ellmers take a position contrary to her globalist progressive benefactors? Not a chance. She went to the dark side in her first quarter in Congress.
There is no turning back once you’re owned by the Chamber of Commerce, Mark Zuckerberg, and other corporate elites.
Renee, Nancy and Debbie are now best friends. They think they know what’s best for us. Which one is dumb, dumber, and dumbest?
Yes, the new three amigos – Renee, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Bye bye Nee-nee.
Don’t forget Virginia Foxx who also voted for this POS legislation. Just an older and uglier version of Elmers.
If I lived in her district I would be filing. Come on patriots, filing is open until noon Monday!
This is federal. You can live anywhere and file for her seat.
Carl, there is a true Patriot in the race challenging Ellmers in the Primary – Jim Duncan. Her endorsement of this latest piece of legislature will seal the deal…..she is done!
since when does anyone entering OUR Country have constitutional rights lol
she is SO STUPID. She has continually voted against 02 and will continue to do so. Jim Duncan is getting my vote. #BigGovBarbie must go home
Ban of Muslims and Others Already U.S. Law
Under U.S. Code 8 USC §1182, the president does have the statutory authority to keep anyone out of the country, for any reason he thinks best.
“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
The President has the authority to do exactly what Trump is describing. And by the way, this kind of thing has happened before.
1. The very first US immigration law was the Chinese Exclusionary Act of 1882.
2. Then there was the Anarchist Exclusion Act of 1903
3. FDR (D) did it during WWII for the Japanese
4. During The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover (R) ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens.
5. Harry Truman (D) deported over two million Illegal’s after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.
6. In 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower (R) deported 13 million Mexican Nationals. The program was called ‘Operation Wetback’.
7. Jimmy Carter (D), did it in 1979 to keep Iranians out of the United States, but he actually did more. He made all Iranian students already here check in, and then he deported them.
8. obama (D) did it in 2011 when Iraqi refugees were trying to get into America and Al Qaeda infiltrated the program.
We have been totally betrayed by these 3 Stooges from NC. Vote for Jim Duncan on Tuesday, March 15th!
Renee is only happy when she is killing unborn babies.
Or letting illegal aliens into the country, or spending our tax money like a drunken sailor.