Kay Hagan, Senate Dems paying for their beloved ObamaCare on backs of college students

sock puppet





College students all over our state and country went nuts for Kay Hagan and Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.  They voted for these two libs and worked tirelessly for them in both cycles.  How did this devotion get repaid?

The Democrat-controlled Senate, where ol’ Kay works, stifled efforts today to keep interest rates on student loans from going up.  That was a real surprise — I’m sure — to so many folks on college campuses across North Carolina.  Good grief. Look at what Senator Hagan has been saying about this issue on Twitter:












Wow.  That’s a lot of tough talk.  I wonder what happened?  Kay’s in the majority.  You would have thought that she could have talked her fellow libs into helping out all of those college kids who worked so hard to keep them in the majority.  

Well,  El Rushbo has spilled the beans about what really happened here:  The Dems want the revenue from the increase interest rates to help finance ObamaCare.  Basically, allowing the interest rates go up is a back-door tax increase to pay for the federal health care takeover (which Kay Hagan voted for and cheered).

So, for all of you folks on campuses in Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Charlotte, Greensboro, Asheville and Wilmington who busted your butt to send Kay (once) and Barry (twice) to DC  — How is that karma sandwich tasting?