#ncga: Binky spies a bigot
WRAL’s Binky — that mouth-breathing buffoon who serves as first mate on the S.S. Short Bus — is giving Colin Campbell and Rob Christensen a run for their money in
Continue readingWRAL’s Binky — that mouth-breathing buffoon who serves as first mate on the S.S. Short Bus — is giving Colin Campbell and Rob Christensen a run for their money in
Continue readingHe describes himself as “the black Jesse Helms.” Many other Republicans have less flattering nicknames for him. But — like it or not — Vernon Robinson has become a force
Continue readingKay Daly is betting big on voters being impressed by the conservative celebrity endorsements on her campaign website. When she first announced, we were quick to point out that only
Continue readingThere’s an old saying: If you’re going to beg for money, make sure you know the name of the butt you’re kissing. Martha Jenkins, legislative liaison for the Department of
Continue readingTHAT is the spin being circulated by the establishment in the wake of John Boehner’s resignation from Congress. *These people are just unreasonable. They can’t be pleased!* Oh, yeah? Well,
Continue readingKay Daly has just jumped in to the Second District GOP congressional primary, but she’s already got her potential general election foes in a tizzy. Take this tweet from Mother
Continue readingThe word I am hearing from the big city is that our governor is strongly leaning toward vetoing HB 373 and its ”affiliated committees” language. Given recent polling showing
Continue readingOne normally associates state party meetings with boredom, Chinese water torture, root canals. *You know, pleasant things.* By all accounts, Saturday’s NCGOP meetings were anything BUT dull. Two officials had
Continue readingApparently, some heat is being felt about those $15,000 payouts from the House caucus campaign treasury. One wel-placed source within the House GOP camp offered up THIS defense of those
Continue readingThe Orange Man has fallen — albeit FOUR YEARS too late. The House weasel caucus is already scrambling to fill the speaker’s spray-tan and tear-stained shoes. It is infuriating to
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