#ncga: ANOTHER ONE ???
One million dollar lawsuit is BAD enough . But TWO ????? A powerful state lawmaker whose farm is struggling has been hit with a second $1-million-plus debt collection
Continue readingOne million dollar lawsuit is BAD enough . But TWO ????? A powerful state lawmaker whose farm is struggling has been hit with a second $1-million-plus debt collection
Continue readingRarely has anyone climbed so far so fast, with so little substance to his résumè and no record of significant positive accomplishments, than Roy Cooper. During his sixteen
Continue readingThe personal finances of the second most-powerful leader in the North Carolina House have apparently earned some extra scrutiny in the judicial arena: An agricultural supply company
Continue readingNC PolicyWatch and The N&O are collectively soiling their Pampers over a story that senate leader Phil Berger has been using campaign funds to purchase some choice Raleigh
Continue readingIf you caught NC Spin this week, or read the driveby media, you saw and heard a whole lot of self-righteous outrage about the events which led to the
Continue readingThis sounds like something that ought to be coming from the state’s alleged conservative party (if they had a communications office worth a damn) or from someone
Continue readingAccording to the web site for the law firm of the gentleman from Wake County, that might be correct: […] Mr. Jackson is a lifelong resident of eastern
Continue readingSolar goons and their bought-and-paid-for politicians (like Bob Steinburg and Bobby Hanig) like to tell you there’s nothing to fear from all these state-subsidized solar farms being erected
Continue readingYou never thought you’d see an IndyWeek alum speaking for the “Republican revolution” on Jones Street, eh? Well, the Republican House is trying to expand Medicaid. So WHY shouldn’t
Continue readingThe state board of elections says its A-OK for Democrats on local boards (like inRobeson and Bladen counties) to donate to Democratic candidates and campaign for (and with) them.
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