#NCSEN: Where’s Thom? ‘Chomping at the bit’ — to inspect sidewalks.
State House speaker Thom Tillis has been catching some grief for not participating in the ‘rubber-chicken-circuit’ meet-and-greets that are a staple of party primaries. In February, Tillis told the media that was all about to change — that he was ‘chomping at the bit’ to defend his record.
On Friday night, he had a chance to do just that — at The East Wake Republican Club’s Great Debate. Tillis was the only one of the eight declared candidates for the GOP nomination for US Senate to miss the event. Lil’ Jordan, Thom’s pint-sized sidekick, said his boss’s absence had to do with a scheduling conflict that could not be moved.
What was so important to keep Speaker Thom from “defending his record” before hundreds of Republican primary voters in Wake County? According to Wilkes County media sources, Mr. Big Boy Pants™ had an important sidewalk inspection to conduct on the same day and at the same time as the candidate debate. Tillis has become quite the authority on the construction of toll roads, so it makes perfect sense to call him in to inspect your new sidewalks.
Apparently, Wake County Republicans were not amused at the Tillis snub. Greg Brannon won the straw poll that followed the debate with 51 percent. Mark Harris came in second at 25 percent. (Tillis came in dead last with five percent.)
He followed up that sidewalk inspection with a private fundraiser.
So typical of establishment Republicans. He won’t talk to the little pleebs but he’ll meet with the lobbyists and rich people and promise them things like appointments on the UNC board if they stuff his wallet with enough cash.
When Tilli$ jas big time liberal Democrat strategist Gary Pearce defending his ducking of public events, that tells you a lot.
The Democrats are chomping at the bit to have Tilli$ to run against. As you pointed out before, Brant, it is the same strategy they used in Missouri, to try to get Akin to run against. We cannot let them pull the same stunt on us in North Carolina. The polls show Tilli$ is the weakest Republican in the field.
Is this true? I just read this* and am shocked why would Republican Tillis work so hard to defeat conservatives in the legislature? I am for sure not voting for this traitor.
*Conservatives need to be aware that establishment Republican Speaker Thom Tillis has his people beating the bushes to find primary challengers to a number of conservatives House members. Even though Tillis is a lame duck, not running for the legislature himself again, there seems to be no end to his spite and ill will against conservatives.
Because the individual you’re referring to isn’t particularly conservative, and I’m putting it mildly. It’s no secret that the more conservative Senate under Phil Berger, Bob Rucho, and others were the ones responsible for pushing conservative legislation through….legislation that Tillis is now taking credit for.
I agree that the Senate was the conservative chamber and often had to correct the weak kneed positions of the House, and the House’s problem was Tilli$ micromanaging things to the left.
But the poster seems to be addressing a different subject, which is Tilli$ recruiting candidates against conservatives, and yes that is correct, and has been covered here at the Haymaker. Tilli$ was also responsible in the last redistricting for gerrymandering two other conservatives out of their House seats.
…..Tilli$ recruiting candidates against conservatives, and yes that is correct, and has been covered here at the Haymaker. Tilli$ was also responsible in the last redistricting for gerrymandering two other conservatives out of their House seats.
This is terrible. If this be the case, then we have come full circle, we really have Richard Morgan running for Senate dressed in a Thom Tillis empty suit. He did the same thing to conservatives. Tillis is a traitor. No Republican that has been paying attention could ever vote for him. Tillis, working to eliminate conservatives. Wow!
You people are really something! Give Thom a break. Thom is strong on law and order and wants the best for our youth.
He went to walk the sidewalks because he wants to stress how important it is to keep the kids off the street.
He also didn’t show up at the Lower Cape Fear Republican Women’s forum in Wilmington yesterday. (To be fair the only ones to attend were Mr. Brannon, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Harris and Mr. Kryn) so there were only half, but still you’d think that candidates would make the effort to be @ every singe one of these..