The REST of the story from the W-S voting trial / media circus

The drive-bys have been awfully thorough in reporting the street theatre orchestrated by The Round Rev™ and his co-conspirator Rev. Jeremiah “G-D America” Wright outside the fedebinker rollral courthouse in Winston.  (Hell, WRAL’s Binky even provided amazingly detailed reporting on the events in Winston without even leaving Wake County.)

The feds and the leftist lynch mob are coming after North Carolina’s voter ID law with guns blazing. The drivebys are all ready to help.  They’re giving us half the story — as usual.  Thank God for some of my moles — who have made it to Winston to eyeball some of the court action.

WRAL gave us this unsigned account of day one testimony from a plaintiff’s witness: mole

Gwendolyn Farrington of Durham testified her vote didn’t count last November when she went to the precinct site closest to her job. The 2013 law prohibited out-of-precinct ballots on Election Day from being counted. Farrington she had to pick up her sons that day after getting off work at 6 p.m. Polls close at 7:30 p.m. and she said she couldn’t have made it to her home precinct in time.

“I was raised that voting was important,” Farrington said. “You cannot get your voice heard unless you exercise your right to vote.”

One of my moles pointed out that some important info was left out of coverage of Farrington’s testimony:

”She voted in the wrong precinct.  That’s why her vote didn’t count.  She claimed she worked 72 hours a week and therefore did not have time to make it to the polling place after work.  She claimed that she would be fired if she took time off from work to go vote.  She never votes absentee, because of her own personal distrust of the process.

The state’s attorney asked Farrington why she voted in the wrong precinct. She admitted that it was her parents’ precinct. She uses that address because she moves around a lot and doesn’t have time to change her registration every time.

The state’s attorney asked her how long she had lived at her current address.  She testified she had been there three years.”

No time in three years to change voter registration info?  According to mole #2, it gets better: 

”Those babies she had to pick up are males, 19 and 21 years old, respectively. Grownups.  Also, the state’s attorney pressed her into admitting that she rarely even votes in municipal races, despite the fact she had just stated that voting is so important to her.”

Another mole on the scene shared their perspective with us: barberhands

‘There is very little fact here on the anti- side..  It’s the feds demagoging this thing as hard as they can, Alinsky-style and Obama-style.  It’s Trayvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri times TEN. If something as simple as proving who you are, without a shadow of a doubt, to perform a sacred duty like voting gets thrown out on the basis of leftist howling and screaming, our nation is in more trouble than I thought.”

We will work hard to bring you more info via the mole network. Because it’s clear the drive-bys won’t be telling you the whole truth.  Because that would involve something other than taking dictation from the jheri-curled fat man.