#ncga House Finance GOPers teaming up with Dems on licenses for illegals

speedyIn 2014, the NCGOP platform said THIS: 

[…] We support the issuance of a driver’s license or state identification card only to those who are lawfully present. […]

Here in 2015, we have members of the House GOP majority working with Democrats to issue “restricted” driver licenses to undocumented illegal aliens. 

Check out this subsection title in H328: 


Wait.  WHY would good Republicans support something like this that clearly flies in the face of the party platform?  Well, this week, Rep. John Blust (R-Greensboro) tried to strip that section from the bill while in committee.   The gang over at NCFIRE — an anti-amnesty group — has IDed TEN — count em, TEN — committee Republicans who voted with Democrats to stop Blust’s effort to keep illegals from getting driver licenses. Here they are:

1. Rep Charles Jeter
2. Rep Harry Warren
3. Rep Jonathan Jordan
4. Rep Brian Brown
5. Rep Jeff Collins
6. Rep Bob Steinburg
7. Rep Skip Stam 
8. Rep Nelson Dollar
9. Rep Jay Adams
10. Rep Larry Yarborough

(A vote on the full bill is slated for this coming Tuesday in the committee.  Get on the phone and work on these folks to do the right thing.)  

Let’s look at the version of the party platform up for adoption at this weekend’s NCGOP  convention.  crowdThe 2014 language about licenses is still there, but this language has been added:

[…] We oppose any form of amnesty for those who, by intentionally violating the immigration law, disadvantage those who have obeyed it. Granting amnesty only rewards and encourages more law breaking. […] 

Interesting.  It seems like the opposition to amnesty among party activists is growing stronger while a number of Republican legislators appear to be wavering.  

Question:  What good is this platform if we’re going to smile at and shrug off elected Rs who campaign on the platform, but then do something else in Raleigh or DC?