#NCSEN: If it looks like amnesthy, and it says ‘hola’ like amnesthy …

*The smartest man to EVER represent North Carolina in the U.S. Senate*™ Tillis-and-Ellmers-063took a few moments to sit down recently with the fawning stenographers at Charlotte Business Journal.  In the interview, we learned about what a foreign policy whiz he’s become. (Time on The Cornelius Town Council and Jones Street will do that for you.) 

He also got into some really *high-brow* economic stuff: 

[…] On labor issues: As the economy turns, one of the most significant impediments to economic growth is going to be labor availability. And North Carolina is in a unique position to point to a shortage of American workers for certain jobs, which is why we’ve got to work on illegal immigration.[…]

Labor availability ????  I’d argue that there are a few more things much more significant as impediments to economic growth — like Obamacare, regulations, taxes, and amnesty, for starters.  You know, stuff that Tillis and his benefactor / mentor Mitch McConnell have no intention of doing anything about. speedy

Where’s he going with this?  This sounds like the same spin that comes out of the Farm Bureau when they are trying to weaken immigration regs like e-verify.  MORE:

[…] We’re the only state in the nation that didn’t extend long-term unemployment benefits. We were at about 10.2% (unemployment) over five quarters; we went down to about 6.4%. You’ve got your direct jobs, but you’ve also got the indirect jobs: construction, a number of other things. If we don’t do a better job of getting illegal worker immigration policies in place, it’s going to be a significant impediment to a number of industries. […] 

MM-hmmm.  Somebody please inform the senator that we have a whole slew of immigration laws in place.  We need SOMEONE to ENFORCE them.

Sure, these agri-businesses can moan about a home-grown labor shortage.  When you have a crowd of Mexicans willing to work for SQUAT and artificially deflating the market wage, what do you expect?  Home-grown Americans who have to play by the rules and pay taxes can’t afford to work for SQUAT.