WNC Rally. For Mark Meadows. Monday.
FreedomWorks and a bunch of other friends of this site are putting together a quick show of appreciation Monday in the big city of Waynesville — in the heart of Meadows’s district — to show appreciation to the man who led the fight to slay Ryan-
Ryno- Care. Here are the details:
On Monday, March 27, 2017, FreedomWorks is sponsoring a rally to support Congressman Mark Meadows in front of the Historic Courthouse in Waynesville, NC at 12:30PM. Asheville Tea Party and Haywood 9-12 are the local grassroots groups supporting this effort. The NC11 Congressman has been making news recently in D.C. The goal is to let him know the folks back home are standing strong with him as he fights to make healthcare more affordable for all Americans.
Supporters are encouraged to come early at 11:30AM to Bocelli’s Italian Eatery (319 No. Haywood St, Waynesville, NC 28786) for a complimentary FreedomWorks lunch, to make signs, and to sign a THANK YOU card for Congressman Mark Meadows.
Thank Mark and all of those who gave us another opportunity to get health care right – #TheyStand4US.
At 12:30PM everyone will walk over to the Courthouse for the sign wave.
Specific Details:
Location of Rally: 285 N Main St, Waynesville, NC 28786
Time: 12:30
Date: Monday, March 27, 2017
Lunch: Bocelli’s Italian Eatery, 319 No. Haywood St, Waynesville, NC 28786 – Time:11:30AM.
FreedomWorks will provide lunch and materials to make signs. After lunch and sign making, we walk over to Mark’s Office at the Courthouse or you can drive.
Parking deck: 150 Branner Ave, Waynesville, NC 28786
If you’re anywhere near Waynesville, and have some flexibility during the workday, make a point to stop by and show some appreciation to this man.
Will someone please add my name to the thank you card.
Browny Douglas
Good that you got it right. Our local paper first reported thr event as being organized by Haywood County GOP, then by “Haywood County 9-12 Project”. Third time’s the charm, thy finally reported what most conservative activists in Haywood already knew – it was set up and sponsored by FreedomWorks.
Thank God for FreedomWorks
In all fairness, the mix-up is not the local paper’s fault. They can’t help it if dishonest people claim credit for the work of others.
Mark Meadows is a huge asset to North Carolina; He has an R in his heart, not just an R by his name on the ballot. He is someone we can depend upon to stand up for principle as he did on Ryancare.
Lets promote Mark Meadows for US Senate for 2020.
^^ This!
Thanks Mark Meadows!
NC 13 could use a “Mark Measows”” the Senate seat would be his for the taking.
Is that the new 13th represented by Robin’s lackey or the old 13th then-represented by Mr. “I’ll cut spending”?
Ted Budd was one of the Congressmen who stood up against Ryancare, along with Mark Meadows and Walter Jones.
Robin Hayes seems to be a bit of an unguided missile on who he supports. I guess even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then. Budd would not have been my first choice, but his endorsement in the primary by the Reaganite conservatives of the Club for Growth means he is likely to have a much better voting record than the hodge podge Congressional record of Robin Hayes
Mark Meadows and FreedomCaucus represent the embryo of a new Freedom Party to replace the stinking cadaver we currently refer to as the Republican Party. Mark needs to primary the hell out of their RINO Thom Tillis.
Send a few bucks to the Freedom Caucus to let them know you stand with them against the GOP Cartel in Raleigh and DC. Go to https://secure.housefreedomfund.com/kamgo/d