#ncpol: *”Awwww. Isn’t that SWEET?”*
All of us have “exes” out there. Just be glad THIS particular “sweetheart” wasn’t YOURS: A Raleigh police officer stopped Cheree Maria Bandy for driving with an expired registration sticker
Continue readingAll of us have “exes” out there. Just be glad THIS particular “sweetheart” wasn’t YOURS: A Raleigh police officer stopped Cheree Maria Bandy for driving with an expired registration sticker
Continue readingWe get a lot of lip service about bottom-up governance coming out of Raleigh, but end up getting an awful lot of heavy-handedness from up above. Case in point, THIS
Continue readingPresident Harry Truman had the nickname “Give ’em hell” Harry. The voters in state Senate district 25 very well could be sending “Give ’em Hell” Michelle to our fair state
Continue readingWe told you earlier about Spectrum News’s “scoop” on the Democrat wish list for the NC House races in 2018. One of the names on that wish list was Rep.
Continue readingPete Benton probably thought his Saturday morning was going to be simple. He had been asked to be a surrogate for congressman Walter Jones at the Craven County GOP convention.
Continue readingPelosi and Schumer are doing back-flips celebrating the massive spending that just made its way through the “Republican” Congress. The Chamber and the GOPe are dancing a jig because, once
Continue readingI’m going to delay commentary momentarily. I want you, dear readers, to see if you can find what’s wrong HERE: In one press release, the NCGOP Communications team has managed
Continue readingIt appears NCGOP attorney Tom Stark is taking a break from his Herculean — some might say quixotic — campaign to unseat Durham’s senator Floyd McKissick to resume beating up
Continue readingJesse Helms was arguably the man who made being conservative AND Republican cool in North Carolina. His televised editorials opened a ton of eyes and stimulated a lot of deep
Continue readingUber-consultant Paul Shumaker is advising candidates in two of the state’s most-watched congressional primaries: the GOP races in the 3rd and the 9th. Indian casino lobbyist (and Shumaker client) Scott
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