Tillis, Burr, and other NCGOPers push for MORE migrant workers
We get ads from NFIB claiming Thom Tillis is “fighting to save North Carolina jobs” and then we hear THIS: A few months before mass joblessness
Continue readingWe get ads from NFIB claiming Thom Tillis is “fighting to save North Carolina jobs” and then we hear THIS: A few months before mass joblessness
Continue readingAll of those “America First” and “I love Trump” ads don’t appear to match what our junior senator — up for reelection next year — is saying and
Continue readingIn many places, THAT is called “obstruction of justice” or “obstruction of law enforcement personnel.” To today’s liberals inside and outside the drive-by media, it’s the new Civil Rights
Continue readingThe DC establishment is working feverishly to avoid the feared government shut-down. *Can’t tick off The Washington Post and The New York Times, can we?* (I wish they felt the
Continue readingMexico is being torn apart by riots over uncontrolled illegal immigration. Meanwhile, American liberals — from the United Methodist Church to the Democrat Party — want to import that very
Continue readingYou can’t take your kids with you when you go to jail. You can’t take your kids with you to your job (in MOST cases). You can’t take your kids
Continue readingWe’ve got a senator named Tom in DC who has shown true weakness on illegal immigration and protecting our national borders. It appears we may have a senator named Tom
Continue readingPelosi and Schumer are doing back-flips celebrating the massive spending that just made its way through the “Republican” Congress. The Chamber and the GOPe are dancing a jig because, once
Continue readingI first met the current Guilford County sheriff way back in 1988. He struck me as a no-nonsense, tough-as-nails ‘Dirty Harry’ kind of cop. In fact, one of my fondest
Continue readingRemember all of that footage in the driveby media of the “unaccompanied children” pouring across our nation’s southern border the last few years? Well, things have gotten a little quiet
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