Richard Hudson wants war with Russia.

Ninth District congressman Richard Hudson has really proven himself as a masterful pretender.  He regularly tries to pass himself off as a conservative.  (According to Heritage Action, lil’ Richard’s voting record this session has been to the left of the average House Republican.)


Hudson tries to pass himself as a longtime Moore County resident and community member.  (He has a whole lot more history in Cabarrus County and Concord.)  I saw his two predecessors – Howard Coble and Renee Ellmers, neither of whom lived here – around town a hell of a lot more than I see him.   In fact, lil’ Richard likes to mail photos to us — that look like poor Photoshop work — of himself, his wife, and his kid at various local landmarks in Moore County.

Hudson has spent most of his adult life as either a political hack or an elected official.  Yet, when he first ran for Congress, he tried to sell himself as the founder and longtime operator of something called “Cabarrus Marketing.”  The alleged firm’s alleged purpose was to provide marketing services to small businesses.

You couldn’t find an actual office for Cabarrus Marketing, or — for that manner — any former or current clients.  The company’s website wasn’t even complete by the time Hudson kicked off his initial run for Congress.

Cabarrus Marketing, according to official paperwork on file with the state, was founded one day prior to Hudson moving from DC back to North Carolina to kick off his campaign for Congress.  The company’s website was never even completed.  Yet, Hudson passed himself off as some kind of marketing professional.  In 2013, the secretary of state’s office shuttered Cabarrus Marketing.

When the GOP took over the House majority, Hudson had all kinds of committee choices to benefit his constituents.  But our pal Rich decided to go for chairman of the House Republican Campaign committee (NRCC) — a move that benefits no one but himself.  That post makes him THE guy ‘deep-pockets’ go to when they want to shower House Republicans with money and get their wish lists granted.

Hudson has also found time to join something called the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) — aka “The Helsinki Commission.”  Those guys like to sit around staring at their navels and opining for the cameras about national security and world affairs — two things that Concord Rich knows little about.  *”Global security expert” fits in right nicely on the résumé with “marketing specialist” and “entrepreneur”, eh?*

Well, word has come out that Helsinki Commissioner Richard Hudson of North Carolina has signed a letter to President Biden asking that restrictions be lifted on weapons we send to Ukraine.  Right now, our stuff can’t be used in direct attacks on Russian soil.

If Biden agrees to that, we will be funding direct attacks on sovereign Russian territory and its residents.  Initially, we were told that our involvement was about helping Ukraine defend itself. This goes far beyond all that.

We spent a lot of time and money, and shed a lot of blood throughout The Cold War years to avoid an out-and-out war with Russia.  How much do you want to bet that some arms manufacturer or defense contractor with their eye on the Russia-Ukraine conflict has dumped a load of $$$$ on Hudson and / or the House GOP campaign committee? 

Now, it appears Hudson is leveraging his newfound status as a world affairs / international security expert to smear someone who has actually put her life on the line for her country. Shelane Etchison of Moore County — an actual battle-tested veteran of US Army special operations — has qualified as an Independent candidate for Congress this November.  The Democrats have thrown up a sacrificial lamb in Hudson’s extremely-red district. Apparently, Hudson and his shadowy minions are a little wary of Etchison being in the race.

For those who don’t know, there’s something called The North State Journal which is little more than a propaganda organ for the Raleigh Republican Establishment. If the big boys in Raleigh or DC want it communicated, the NSJ makes it happen.

It appears Hudson’s minions — likely some of the same ones who created his fictitious business for him — have utilized the North State Journal to smear Etchison over a bad relationship break-up that occurred five years ago.  Initially, the NSJ ran the story without a byline — adding to the sleaze factor.  (In the last few days, a byline bearing a name has appeared. )

It all speaks volumes about his character, or lack thereof.

Hudson didn’t have to do this.  He has a whole lot more money than Etchison, and he has a whole lot of zombies in his new district who will automatically vote for anything with an (R) next to it.

We have to offer kudos to Etchison for not curling up in a ball and surrendering:

[…] “This was a difficult time in my life, characterized by confusing and deceptive circumstances with someone who was a loved and welcome member of my family for many years,” Etchison said in a statement to North State Journal.

“In the strongest terms, I have always objected to the characterization and truthfulness of the accusations and statements made against me. In North Carolina, Ex Parte no contact orders are granted from just one party’s claim, giving no due process for the accused — making it an easy tool for character defamation and misuse.

“There are no factual findings or legal conclusions in any of the court records that I committed any of the acts in which I was accused. I consented to entering temporary protective orders to simply move on with life and focus on my studies at Harvard, where I was living at the time. These orders were willfully entered by all parties with no findings of wrongdoing.

“Instead of focusing on distractions from the past drudged up by my opponent with no understanding of the situation’s context, truth, or implications for my family, we need to concentrate on the real issues that matter in this election — the ones that actually affect our families, economy, and future.” […]

Etchison and I disagree on some issues.  I do respect her service to her country, though.

I like the fact she talks issues, and appears to be operating from principle. I don’t imagine you could buy her vote.

I also like the answer she gives when asked about starting her political career at Congress, and not somewhere lower down the pecking order:

“Our nation is in trouble. We don’t have time to wait around.”

Isn’t THAT the truth?

Richard Hudson has been sitting in DC for more than two decades as a staffer or elected official. He has been a witness to all the mess-making.  He’s voted dependably and regularly for the interests of his donors and his party’s leadership.  The folks back home don’t matter.  He’s shown that over the years by changing districts and “hometowns” with such ease.