#ncpol: Just gonna leave this RIGHT HERE …
It’s been interesting to see and hear all of the North Carolina Republican big-wigs tearing Judge James Wynn a new one for his ruling against North Carolina’s congressional districts. (Case in point, see below.)
Of course, we agree with Mr. Blaine on his assessment. We always have. But not all NCGOP bigwigs have been down on Wynn. We thought this was a great opportunity to step into the political way-back machine and revisit the year 2010:
Senator Burr Congratulates Judge James Wynn on Fourth Circuit Court Confirmation
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) last night congratulated Judge James A. Wynn of
Raleigh, NC after the Senate confirmed him to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit late Thursday evening. Senator Burr introduced Judge Wynn at his confirmation hearing, and has advocated both publically and privately for his confirmation since he was first nominated by the President.
“I am extremely pleased that the Senate has confirmed Judge James Wynn to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals,” said Senator Burr. “I was happy to support this highly qualified nominee, and to work to finally fill this seat. I was disappointed that when President Bush left office, the Fourth Circuit was one-third vacant, due to the refusal of Senate Democrats to confirm qualified nominees from across the Fourth Circuit. It has been disheartening in my time in the Senate to watch incredibly qualified nominees, with home-state support, languish in the Senate: Judge Terry Boyle and Judge Bob Conrad, of North Carolina, Rod Rosenstein, of Maryland, and Judge Glen Conrad, of Virginia. […]
Hmm. “Extremely pleased” with Wynn.
Judge Boyle is interminably trapped in confirmation purgatory. You may know the name Rod Rosenstein — from the on-going Russia collusion debacle. Current judicial nominee Tom Farr of Raleigh can’t get a floor vote on his nomination.
Did you know the Senate has a rule that, if one senator from a state where a nominee will represent or preside over has a problem with said nominee, there will be no floor vote. If both agree, then there will be a floor vote. Burr had an excuse when he was with Kay Hagan. Thilli$$$ has been with him for FOUR YEARS now.
I wonder which one of our RINOs in the upper chamber has the beef with Boyle or Farr (two stellar conservative jurists). Neither Boyle nor Farr can seem to get a floor vote. But James Wynn can. And so can the nitwit who overturned the marriage amendment to our state constitution.
[…] After the treatment some of these nominees were subjected to, it is a wonder that others are still willing to step forward to put themselves through the nominations process. I look forward to continuing to work in a bipartisan fashion to fill these vacancies with qualified nominees like Judge Al Diaz.”
In addition to his support for Judge Wynn, Senator Burr has strongly supported the confirmation of Judge Al Diaz since his nomination in November 2009.
“I am disappointed that the Senate has not had the opportunity to vote on Judge Diaz yet,” Burr said. “Like Judge Wynn, he is a qualified nominee with an impressive judicial and military background. I hope the Majority Leader will put political gamesmanship aside and make the confirmation of Judge Diaz a priority.”
Richard Burr is personally, 100%, responsible for putting this leftist Democrat hack on the Fourth Circuit. Senator Helms had previously blocked his appointment. Once again, it just goes to prove that well-placed RINO Republicans are simply killing the GOP and enabling the fulfillment of the liberal agenda. Burr has been a disaster in the senate. Back home in North Carolina, the UNC system is in tatters and Antifa is terrorizing the UNC-CH campus, but our RINO UNC trustees and Board of Governors are paralyzed with inaction and simply take orders from Carol Folt and Margaret Spellings. North Carolina grass roots Republicans have been betrayed over and over again by the party “bigwigs” and yet they are begging us to go to the polls again to keep them in power. To hell with them; most of us will vote in 2020 for Trump, but we could care less for Burr, Tillis, UNC trustees, and all the strutting RINOs in Raleigh and Washington. Let them drown in their own swamp.
I remember back when NC had real Republicans as US Senators not these weak as water poseurs Burr and Tillis. In those days, President Bill Clinton nominated the very same rabid radical James Wynn to the same 4th Circuit Court of Appeals. The difference was that those real Republican senators Jesse Helms and Lauch Faircloth blocked Wynn’s confirmation in the Senate.
In contrast, when Barack Husein Obama nominated rabid radical Wynn, fake Republican Richard Burr was out there cheerleading for him to get Wynn confirmed by voice vote. Burr should have remembered the verdict of NC voters on radical Wynn. When Jim Hunt appointed Wynn to the NC Supreme Court, the voters of the state kicked Wynn out the very next election.
Richard Burr is nothing but an Obama Republican and he is directly responsible for the plight NC finds itself in today due to his backing of radical Wynn. Shame on Richard Burr.
The Wall Street Journal was absolutely correct when it described this ambush in an editorial as a judicial coup d’etat by partisan Democrat judges to politically help the Democrats.
It stinks to high heaven and is an assault on democracy. Judges are tyrannically abusing power in the federal courts and need to be cut down to size. We need to drain the judicial swamp and the first slimy swamp thing that needs to go is radical James Wynn, but we also need to drain the senatorial swamp of rats like Burr and Tillis.
Burr and Tillis don’t represent North Carolina.
Sadly, and not as well known, Richard Burr also gave the green light to several other radical Obama judicial appointees who are doing their best to destroy conservatism in North Carolina. The full story of Burr’s complicity in the destruction of the NC GOP and conservatism will never be fully known. The The NC RINO Establishment doesn’t want us to know.
GU Wonder seems to have the facts right about a Judge who thinks he is an elected legislature. Note, I said “legislature” as he thinks he has the power to pass laws. Wrong, anyway you look at it. We must all put conservatives on the bench when we elect them and bring pressure on those with the power to appoint and/or confirm other members of the judiciary.
Richard Burr and Thom Tillis were always soft touches to support Obama radicals.
Eric Holder was known to be a corrupt far left hack from his role in the Clinton administration, yet Richard Burr voted to confirm him as Attorney General. Holder proved an even bigger horror story in the Obama regime. (Tillis was not in the Senate at the time)
Loretta Lynch was also known as a radical hack, and many GOP Senators fought her nomination. Not Burr and Tillis. On the key vote where Lynch could have been stopped, the vote on cloture, BOTH Tillis and Burr voted for her.
Burr’s outrageous role in not only voting for known radical James Wynn but helping shepherd his nomination through the Senate is par for the course for Richard Burr.. If Tillis had been in the Senate then, he undoubtedly would have done the same.
I wonder if Burr and Tillis each compete to see who can wear Kay Hagan’s skirt more often.