#ncga: Senate sending pretty much WHOLE GOP caucus to budget conference

Tom-Apodaca-Hendersonville-Lightning-IIThe chess match between House and Senate leaders got a little more interesting this week.  We already reported on how the House is sending a pack of RINOS and a bunch of Democrats to confer with the Senate on the state budget.  (Basically, they’re sending everybody who voted YES on that bloated mess.) 

The Senate appears to be countering this move by sending NO Democrats and pretty much THE WHOLE GOP CAUCUS to the inter-chamber conference on the budget.

Conferences are utilized to work out differences between the chambers when they’ve passed the same bill.  

I spoke with one insider who had this rather wry observation:

“Berger could simplify things by only sending Tom Apodaca — who could simply stare down the House side while laughing maniacally and occasionally blurting out the word ‘No.’ ”