Breaking News: The N&O has NO shame!


Okay.  All evidence shows that the N&O newsroom worked hand-in-hand with the governor’s office to kill the uproar over Boss Bev’s ‘suspend the elections’ speech in Cary.  At first we got told that the N&O reporter who broke the story didn’t understand that the lady was JUST JOKING.

Meanwhile, the newsroom was suppressing a tape that conflicted with the spin-o’-the-hour that Boss Bev was jes’ jokin’.   It took the N&O a WEEK after The Daily Caller released the N&O’s tape of Boss Bev’s comments, before they admitted to having a tape.

They still dismissed the tape. Stopped talking about it.  Started running photos of Boss Bev hugging hurricane victims on The Outer Banks.  Done. Gone. Kaput.  Job well done, guys. 

This whole episode is a glaring example of The News & Observer’s lack of ethics and brazen leftist partisanship.

Today, the paper did not grant Texas governor Rick Perry the same treatment they doled out to Boss Bev.  In today’s item, that unreadable leftist rag partnered with a Democrat consulting firm to crow about a new poll on the non-story that just won’t die (like Bev’s DID):

North Carolinians prefer Eastern North Carolina barbecue over western style barbecue, although a large number are agnostic on the issue, according to a new poll.

Overall, 42 percent of North Carolinians say they prefer eastern style barbecue to 26 percent who go for western style barbecue, according to a new survey by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic leaning firm based in Raleigh. Another 32 percent said they were not sure.

The poll did not find a big difference between Democrats and Republicans on the issue.

Democrats preferred eastern style to western style by a 46-22 percent margin, while Republicans preferred eastern style to western style by a 40-30 percent margin. That is hardly surprising since the western part of the state has traditionally been more strongly Republican.

The survey also found that Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s comments back in 1992 that he had tasted road kill that tasted better than eastern North Carolina barbecue were not helpful.

The poll found that 75 percent of Tar Heel voters disagreed with that statement and 40 percent of voters were less likely to vote for him because of that statement.

The survey of 760 North Carolina voters was conduced Sept. 30 to Oct. 3 and had a margin of error of 3.6 percent.

Okay.  Never mind that there was more evidence against Boss Bev than there is in this tale.  Never mind that the N&O and the Dem polling firm continue to distort Perry’s alleged, unverified comment from a 20 year old book.  (The book detailed him commenting about the product of ONE restaurant in Kinston, not ALL North Carolina barbecue.)

There is an agenda here.  BarryO won North Carolina last time around.  He knows he needs it again to survive the electoral tsunami targeting him in 2012. Boss Bev is also struggling to survive.  The Dem convention is in Charlotte for 2012.  Marching orders have been sent out to Dem operatives in North Carolina, and their in-house propaganda organ — the N&O — to prop up our buffoonish governor and take down Perry, who has been a very credible candidate in North Carolina.  Washington knows Perry could cause BarryO big problems in The Tar Heel state.

Just shameful.  If you subscribe to this fishwrap, you need to realize you are subsidizing the effort to prop up Boss Bev and BarryO.  If you must read it, do it for free online.