Big Boy, Lil’ Tricia tussle over tolls

It’s amazing what a wire-thin primary win and the prospect of a tough Bob's_big_boy_statue_burbank_2013general will do to a politician. Here’s Charlie “Big Boy” Jeter — the most liberal member of the House Republican Caucus — beseeching his colleagues via email today:

From: Rep. Charles Jeter
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 4:37 PM
To: @House/Republican/Members
Subject: HB 954 Jeter
Importance: High


I have filed HB 954 to stop the tolling project on I-77. Some of you may have gotten some emails about it. mail

I’d like to get as many co-sponsors as possible and would appreciate your support.

Please note that Rep. Cotham rushed in today to file the same bill prior to my filing (a decision by her that I am not happy about), I’d ask you to make sure that should you decided to co-sponsor the bill, you do mine HB 954 and not hers.

Rep. Charles Jeterjeter
Republican Conference Chair
District 92 (Mecklenburg)

NC House of Representatives
16 W. Jones Street, Room 2226
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096

That’s Tricia “Christmas is in November” Cotham, y’all. It’s a shame to see two Twitter buddies fall out like this.  

tcNo guts vs. No brains.   It’s kind of like some Special Olympics UFC-style battle royale. I don’t know WHO to pull for in this one.

I hope all of you caucus folks will think long and hard about Charlie, his liberal voting record, and his penchant for taking a walk when tough votes come around before you lift even one finger to help him. 

You’ve got a supermajority.  Losing a Republican who votes to the left of William Brisson (D-Bladen) won’t evoke too much heartache.